Last Movie You Watched?

Open Season 2 and The Roast of William Shatner uncensored. I think I'm over the roast vids now. Open Season 2 was cute!

The Fighter - this movie is very good.
The King's Speech
Pretty ordinary, despite the fact I like historical movies. Didn't like the swearing though.
The World's Fastest Indian

- based on the true story of Burt Munro and his dream of breaking a landspeed record on his 1920 Indian Motorcycle

in fact, it was an AWESOME movie
Last weekend I watched:
Winter's Bone
And already mentioned earlier in this thread, 127 Hours.

All four were pretty good... I loved Tangled, it was very reminiscent of earlier Disney flicks. Megamind was amusing and kept me entertained, at least. Winter's Bone was excellent if a bit slow-paced. The main actress did a fantastic job. And 127 Hours is great.
Winter's Bone and most recently, The Adjustment Bureau - both great movies, we thought!
I watched Contact yesterday. Movie from the mid 90s based on the novel by Carl Sagan. It was really good. I've been watching a lot of Sagan's Cosmos lately, and it is totally rocking my world.

read "Garden of Eden" by Carl Sagan , interesting treatise on the speculation of evolution of intelligence
read "Garden of Eden" by Carl Sagan , interesting treatise on the speculation of evolution of intelligence

Cool! Thanks for the recommendation. Since I finished Cosmos a couple weeks ago, it's been on my mind a lot. I wish our society still had that sort of zest for understanding fundamental questions about the universe and our place in it. Now, everyone is just concerned with the size of their plasma TV or how smart their smartphone is. Sigh.

(BTW, I think the title is The Dragons of Eden)
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Dogtooth... Two more movies I didn't care for, and then Zombie Strippers.

One of the strippers was shooting pool balls/golf balls from her coochie... And it's not a porn movie.

I'm in the mood for hilariously bad movies tonight.
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Cool! Thanks for the recommendation. Since I finished Cosmos a couple weeks ago, it's been on my mind a lot. I wish our society still had that sort of zest for understanding fundamental questions about the universe and our place in it. Now, everyone is just concerned with the size of their plasma TV or how smart their smartphone is. Sigh.

(BTW, I think the title is The Dragons of Eden)

yeah i think you're right about the title.

sorry about that. but that book while fairly outdated, i still think it s a bold speculation and quite intellectually adventurous, another good book (yet to read but right now im absorbing myself into anything death or dying related for study, not morbid just very very interesting. The other book (you might laugh but) its 'The Bicarmerial mind' evolution of the consciousness by Julian Jaynes (1970's again) seems the 1970 was at best balance between orthodox thinking and free thinking, now everything as i suspect has to be endorsed in normative bullshit, meaning to say freedom of thoughts is robbed by capitalism duh...

well cheers

oh btw
i saw
Tron Legacy not bad not bad the end was too adrupty edited which is getting typical of films these days to which i think it has a lot to do with 'being careful not to give too much ideas and retain 'order of society' duh again!...
like Logan's Run of the 1970's rings VERY relevent whereas , "The Island" has too much of 'show how we ought to be digital members of society' the haze is so irks me too much

im gonna back to tv to see the rest of Dejavu' not too bad...
im currently 'watching 127 hours' jesus christ fucking too intense !! i need a friend over to watch it with cuz i cant hardly handle that raw truama theres not much gore at all just that unease...excellently made film though...i WILL finsih watching it lol
