Can you prove it? Have you take thousands calls from Deaf people that knows sign language and whats their telephone preference, what did they know that exists? There are more than 10 million with some degrees of hearing losses, at least a million that knows ASL, not just 120K, thats way too low.
You haven't sit and listen to thousands and thousands of Deaf people asking questions about VP. I have, and heard too many times, that many Deaf that CAN sign had NO clue until "Just now" (Last time I heard like this probably few days before I left Sorenson, and that was 2012!). Often I asked them why not try VP earlier. I heard plenty of excuses, one is afraid of high telephone bills which we know is not true, secondly they don't want ISP to be their telephone company and get more bills, again we all know it is myth, other things like they think there are restrictions exist and were afraid to be penalized, like 30 minutes limit usage, and afraid they would be addicted to it and lose it due not enough use VRS, etc and so on, many simply had no idea but CAN ASL, and there are no limitation or rules other than whats on EULA! I have seen much more than you did. Remember I was on front end taking hundred thousands of calls for years. There are actually plenty of myths I heard from thousands of Deafies DIRECTLY! Sad? YEP! That is part reason why I was kinda of upset that FCC think we don't need TEP (Tele-Education Program).
From time to time I did hear angry Deaf customers blamed Sorenson for their very high local telephone bill that they just received and thought we charged them excessive, but you KNOW it is not possible that Sorenson billed anyone. I have to refer them to their telephone co, as we have nothing to do with their phone bill and are in no way have any connection whatsoever.
You have to understand when I work for Sorenson, I can NOT voice for Deaf customers due to conflict of interest with FCC. But what I can do is let you guys KNOW what I actually saw, and heard, then it is UP to you to believe and fight for Deaf's own communication functionality equilivent, not just for yourself but for everybody who may benefit from it!
Before CIR (Customer Information Resources) department was founded, I take several free VP applications several times on daily basis until CIR took over, so STILL there are hundred, thousands of Deaf people that knows ASL still out there in the dark!
Next time, go to any Deaf Expo, and pay attention to Sorenson booth see how may Deaf filling application for free VP, you will be shocked to see how many actually don't have one but want one.
because majority of them are late-deaf and older people. they do not know ASL nor care for it.
Often those older and late-deafened customers, I refer them to CaptionCall, I had to educate them all the time.