My friend, KW68 wants me to post all of his pictures here. Enjoy the view. He looks awesome, doesn't he? buddy!
You're on?! LOL Whazzup?knightwolf68 said:Thanks chel for post the pic for me I really appericate about this smile
hey.. i know him personally. he used to live in my hometown back few eyars ago. we always hang out and go out to bars.. having a good talk. hes a really good listener!ChelEler said:My friend, KW68 wants me to post all of his pictures here. Enjoy the view. He looks awesome, doesn't he? buddy!
DoofusMama said:hey hey whats up!!! have not see or chat with you!!
VP me!! *huggs*
LisaMarie said:hey.. i know him personally. he used to live in my hometown back few eyars ago. we always hang out and go out to bars.. having a good talk. hes a really good listener!
HEHE! Thankssss!!! HUGGSSSS. i just joined last night and thought why not see whats up with that AD and i really like it. i thought its neat to meet new people through this one! ill get on my sk2 and imming ya!! right now im replying the emails and get things set up for a day! (i woke up late! my hubby let me sleep in! how nice of him!)knightwolf68 said:Hhheeeyyyy liissssaaaa my true best friend even her hubby is another my best friends finally to see u here so welcome to all deaf huugggssss the wonderful friendship and miss to hang out with her family we always hang out a lot almost everyday while I live up there and guess what ??? Ims me lisaaa hehe