Killzone 2 Clans


New Member
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, you KZ2 players! I have created my own clan for deaf and hard of hearing only! I named my clan, "DEAFNESS ELITE," and the tag is [DE@F].

My PSN is D3AFN3SS1337. Add me to join my clan! :wave:

PS: I give KZ2 9.5 score. It's epicness like Halo 3 if you wanted to know. ;]
what?! Killzone 2 is cool but my wife and i cannot afford over $50! We just looking for lowest price for USED, that's all we want. If so then i will buy it for real! My wife and i love to playin with Killzone 2 Demo ... sometimes we was like Holy S***... it's look real, i tell you!
Yea Kill Zone 2 looks great but i'm trying not to spend money on games that are priced $60 as it would hurt my bank quickly. I'm trying to be more careful with my money that I need for gas and food and such.

Maybe when I have enough money and the right time, I might get it sometime in this spring or summer.
sweet. i have it. add me dovip
I bought the game today and am keen to join your clan, add me up, bytch
clan for ps3 or x360 or WII or PC or N64 or
? :lol:
Hmmm...KillZone on N64 proably wont be all that bad if it was done right lol.

I really loved playing games alot on the N64 as it was one of my very favorites then...ah the good ol' days of Goldeneye. :)