Kids and the Internet

My computer is set up in the living room since I do have a son. I watched what he is doing online. One time something pop up on the screen to chat with my son. I told him to get out and I blocked that person. That is the best way to have parent to keep their eyeful in the living room not the bedroom where the kids close their bedroom door. GRRRRRRRRRR that burn me up.

I am planning to get a laptop someday and of course my computer will be still in the living room. I dont care what he said cuz I am the mother. :D
That's a smart decision. :)

I'm glad to see that you're doing the right thing and being responsible.
I am offically parent with 5 years experience. It is not enough experience for me at this time. But I think it is best to communicate with my kids and show them that I won't bite them if they do anything wrong. That way, they would feel comfortable open up with me. I am now trying to teach my kid the consequences from the actions. That way, I do not have to restrict my kid from anything. Restriction encourage mischievously behavior and that is something I really dont' want to deal with. I remembered back then when adults tells me Im not allowed, that made me curious why? So, I sneak in and find out for myself. But did I understand the consequences? NO! I was never taught the consequences and values. I kept telling myself what is the deal of "Not allowed to". I also wanted to teach the value of responsiblity as well. That means, if I caught my kid doing something, there will be consequences afterwards. THis includes positive or negative.

Yes I do the same to my boys.

That's why I gave them each password to show them that I trust them but they can't open 2nd password to go in internet. They come to ask me to input password for internet. I never say NO to them... I do not forbid them anything what they like to visit. They aware about internet. Mainly important to let them know that they don't give much information to internet. If boys register something, they alway ask me first because they knows that email will go to my account to inform me what they register to. They don't have anything to register but teens emails, chat & discussion in one forum. They don't have each email but they are not interesting anything to have email... (good)... Of course I let Dannyto bid ebay in my account which it's good for him to learn to limit the prices. He won PS2 games and CD music... and happy. It's good movation for him...

The children & teens will go wrong path if they are keep forbid all the time from their parents...
The children & teens will go wrong path if they are keep forbid all the time from their parents...

I totally disagree with you there Liebling, It has nothing to do with forbid as you stated, It's all had something to do with safely of our children, keeping the children from getting too far out where they could come to harm.

Parents put too much trust in their children, playing outside, talking to strangers, being on the net, look how many children end up missing, raped, murdered and some have never seen again? That is every parent worst nightmare, and I do not want to see that happen to my children. It takes a common knowledge what's going on in our society, which children are not aware of. Parental involvement has been shown to have a positive effect on a child’s future, If you don't get involved, then allows your child to do whatever he/she wishes to do, something harmful is going to happen to them, they would lead bad lives. That's for matter of fact.

When they go to school, they learn something from their school teacher, when they're at home, we are both a parent and teacher of our children. Parents been everywhere in the walks of life, children have not experienced the walks of life yet because they're still young.

Facts on the Internet:
Sexual predators
Computer viruses
pornography or explicit content.

Those are the listed above that my son are aware of, which he understands why he has to be on parental control and why he has limited access to the computer. ;)
I totally disagree with you there Liebling, It has nothing to do with forbid as you stated, It's all had something to do with safely of our children, keeping the children from getting too far out where they could come to harm.

Parents put too much trust in their children, playing outside, talking to strangers, being on the net, look how many children end up missing, raped, murdered and some have never seen again? That is every parent worst nightmare, and I do not want to see that happen to my children. It takes a common knowledge what's going on in our society, which children are not aware of. Parental involvement has been shown to have a positive effect on a child’s future, If you don't get involved, then allows your child to do whatever he/she wishes to do, something harmful is going to happen to them, they would lead bad lives. That's for matter of fact.

When they go to school, they learn something from their school teacher, when they're at home, we are both a parent and teacher of our children. Parents been everywhere in the walks of life, children have not experienced the walks of life yet because they're still young.

Facts on the Internet:
Sexual predators
Computer viruses
pornography or explicit content.

Those are the listed above that my son are aware of, which he understands why he has to be on parental control and why he has limited access to the computer. ;)

You misunderstand my post. Now I disagree with your post about trust etc.

Yes we parents make sure that our children aware something what they should not involve etc. (not talk to strangers, sex predators, internet, drugs, etc, etc.) It´s our job to educate them into good path and show them what right or wrong.

The kids or teens deserve their parents´s trust and respect. If not, they will not trust and respect their parents in return and will seek in wrong ways because they are afraid that you will take their freedom away. I educate my boys an earlier and learn to aware what wrong or right... Yes, I allow my boys to have more responsibilities and freedoms. Yes I let them experiement their curiously. I can´t keep and watch them for 24 hours. I show my trust and respect on them. They will never aware if you keep on control or forbid them all the time... Let them to learn something new and aware of..... .Of course they are still my responsible... They know if they have problem then they can come to me.

I found this exact link what I did with my boys...
ACES Publications : HE-0785

I´m still worried if they go away or stay at friends for overnight but I show my trust on them because they deserve my trust.
The kids or teens deserve their parents´s trust and respect. If not, they will not trust and respect their parents in return and will seek in wrong ways because they are afraid that you will take their freedom away.
Ok, You want to talk about trust? What about the time your son rang up a phone bill for 200.00 on sex phone call? And he did not even told you the day it happened. What about the time your son threw a snow ball at a man's car and broke a window? Yet, You'll have to be the one taking responsible for your own child's action. None of those things had happened to my son *knock on wood*

You see, if I protect my son from harm on the interent it's not that I don't trust him, I don't trust those perverts on line, I don't trust web-sites that might have bad virus, I don't trust certain website that is not appropriate for my son to view. :)

You raise your kids the way you want to raise your kids, but, I can raise my kids whatever I think is best. ;)
...You see, if I protect my son from harm on the interent it's not that I don't trust him, I don't trust those perverts on line, I don't trust web-sites that might have bad virus, I don't trust certain website that is not appropriate for my son to view....
Exactly! Perverts know how to trick kids.
Well, let's remember that children and teenagers are different. Well, I do believe that with a child, the parental control should be strictly enforced on the applications they use.

However, for the teenagers. I would encourage that the parents loosen up a bit on what they can view... as long the computer will log in the infomation on the sites they browse. Yes, pornographic sites should be blocked as much as possible because it's not something that a teenager should be looking at and getting the wrong ideas of what sex is about. For a teenager to learn from the real world, they have to be able to see some hard truth to what is on the internet. Otherwise, they'll end up being more vulnerable to the online predators once they become of legal age. Personally, I believe parents should teach children about what kind of tactics an online predator will use to lure someone into something they shouldn't be doing, that way the teenagers will be more aware on how to detect predators in conversations.

It's not easy, I know but it's important that a person be not naive about what goes on the Internet and what precautions we should take to protect ourselves.

I've read about some stories of teenagers who deliberately set up accounts on MySpace to nab online predators. I think that's quite courageous of some people so young to set out to nab perverts, but it's also a very dangerous field to be in because some of the online predators are so slick and they can be so charming making you believe they are perfectly harmless.

It's a scary world out there on the net.
Ok, You want to talk about trust? What about the time your son rang up a phone bill for 200.00 on sex phone call? And he did not even told you the day it happened. What about the time your son threw a snow ball at a man's car and broke a window? Yet, You'll have to be the one taking responsible for your own child's action. None of those things had happened to my son *knock on wood*

Do you mean that your son is prefect in the world... Never get mistake in his life or what? wow! You are super mother in the world... :cool:

I suggest you re-read my 2 threads to fresh your memory.

Of course every children and teenagers are no angel... It's hard to beleive that the children, teens or adults are prefect in the world and never mistake in their life.

It's normal that they make mistakes and learn to improve their mistake... They correct their mistakes once and didn't repeat their mistakes on the same issues again... They will learn quickly what wrong or right if you let them know instead of control, forbid or punish them... Is it criminal to make mistakes or what?

They will repeat their mistakes if they never learn to aware what right or wrong. The children/teens need to aware what wrong or right from their parents.

Learn to improve/correct the mistakes to develop maturity.

You see, if I protect my son from harm on the interent it's not that I don't trust him, I don't trust those perverts on line, I don't trust web-sites that might have bad virus, I don't trust certain website that is not appropriate for my son to view. :)

You raise your kids the way you want to raise your kids, but, I can raise my kids whatever I think is best. ;)


I only gave you an answer what I think and why I agree with DHB's post because you quoted to disagree with me in first place. I see no problem to have you to disagree with me but why can't I say the same then? Now I see that you took my post personal... *sigh*

Never mind!!!
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Liebling said:
Do you mean that your son is prefect in the world... Never get mistake in his life or what? wow! You are super mother in the world...
Did I say that my son was perfect? Don't put words in my mouth. I was giving an example of what you son did that had not happened to my son because I wouldn't allow my son to go over his friend's house unless a parent is home. You allowed your son to go over his friend's house when there was no parent, look what got him where he did wrong. Because why? You gave him too much freedom. Why do you think we are parents for? Let our children take control and us parents to let it go with a flow?

It's normal that they make mistakes and learn to improve their mistake... They correct their mistakes once and didn't repeat their mistakes on the same issues again... They will learn quickly what wrong or right if you let them know instead of control, forbid or punish them... Is it criminal to make mistakes or what?

How am I controlling my son and How am I punishing him? I'm only protecting him from assholes on line, is that so wrong? :ugh:

I only gave you an answer what I think and why I agree with DHB's post because you quoted to disagree with me in first place. I see no problem to have you to disagree with me but why can't I say the same then? Now I see that you took my post personal... *sigh*

Where did I stated that I have a problem with how you answered your post? I only quoted maybe one nor two lines of your post that I disagree with, because of pointing fingers at parents who are forbidding children from having full access on the net, I was only stating in general that we both should raise our children the way we think we know best, Me as a parent don't think I'm doing the wrong thing for my son, and you as a parent don't think you're doing the wrong thing too. So what's with all the hostile?

And secondly of all, It's not the first time you ever stated that to anyone that we're taking your post personal, You pretty much say that to almost everyone who ever disagrees with you. It's getting annoying in my opinion.
When my kids were teens, they were never usin' my computer. They always use the phone to chat with friends instead or played on Nintendo 64. They like to go out with their friends for pizza or movies or browsin' at the mall. Of course, I gave my kids some money for their pleasures or fun. I was very fortunate at that time when they don't come to the computer.
Did I say that my son was perfect?

Yes you have.

You said in your previous post.
None of those things had happened to my son *knock on wood*

Don't put words in my mouth.

Who? Of course YOU!!!! You use my 2 venting threads as an example to threw on my face... Why can't you say something normal then?... :cool: *

I was giving an example

No, I see no excuse for that. What you did here is POINT your finger on me is use my 2 venting threads as an example... and tell me that I give my boys too much freedom... See yourself that you judge me for that. Where have I point my finger on you and tell you how to raise your children or you are wrong?... I didn't... What you did here is a judgement...

of what you son did that had not happened to my son because I wouldn't allow my son to go over his friend's house unless a parent is home. You allowed your son to go over his friend's house when there was no parent, look what got him where he did wrong. Because why?

I can see that you misunderstand my venting thread... Go back to my venting thread and re-read then. You don't have to if you don't want to. It's normal that my son thought I know it because his friend's mother & I meet often.

You gave him too much freedom.

Too much freedom? :confused: It doesn't mean that it's too much freedom because I allow my boys to have more responsibilities and freedoms. I know my limit, thank you.

Why do you think we are parents for? Let our children take control and us parents to let it go with a flow?

What parent for? Well, I as parent to help my boys to learn right and wrong way and then learn to show respect and trust... to help their development into good path. It's normal if they make mistakes...then they will alway correct their mistakes next time. It's parent's job to help children's good development.

How am I controlling my son and How am I punishing him? I'm only protecting him from assholes on line, is that so wrong? :ugh:

Ugh? Did I said YOU? I only said in general way that it's impossible to control our children for 24 hours a day.

Where did I stated that I have a problem with how you answered your post? I only quoted maybe one nor two lines of your post that I disagree with, because of pointing fingers at parents who are forbidding children from having full access on the net, I was only stating in general that we both should raise our children the way we think we know best, Me as a parent don't think I'm doing the wrong thing for my son, and you as a parent don't think you're doing the wrong thing too. So what's with all the hostile?

Unforunlately you misunderstand my post. I said in my post is my opinion or what I know in general way without point finger to anyone.
In the way what you talked look like that you think I tell you what do and how to raise your children. "You raise your kids the way you want to raise your kids, but, I can raise my kids whatever I think is best."

I was like Ugh? because I know each parents have different view how to raise their children... I'm not here to tell you what to do but make my post in general way because I agree with DHB's post.

And secondly of all, It's not the first time you ever stated that to anyone that we're taking your post personal, You pretty much say that to almost everyone who ever disagrees with you. It's getting annoying in my opinion.

This is a difference between disagreement and take personal. I see no problem to have you to disagree with me after read my post to DHB's post.... I responsed your post in general way but you took my post personal and then throw my 2 venting threads on my face. If you disagree with me then don't use my threads as an example. I see no excuse for that.

Unfortunlately it's not first time you made your posts like this to anyone because you think we point our fingers to you. It's not you, we talk about but stated our post in general way what we know or what we beleieve. :cool:
:shock: OMG! :laugh2:

Liebling, First you need to re-read my post again and carefully, and secondly you're really taking it too far, I'm just going to give you some time to cool it off because I can tell you're angry right now by using capital caps on some of your recently respond.

So, Please do have a good day. ;)
:shock: OMG! :laugh2:

Liebling, First you need to re-read my post again and carefully, and secondly you're really taking it too far, I'm just going to give you some time to cool it off because I can tell you're angry right now by using capital caps on some of your recently respond.

So, Please do have a good day. ;)

You can laugh whatever you like because you laugh yourself.

No, you did too far because you don't like my response post on you over trust is threw my 2 venting threads on my face and telling me that it never happened to your son and then tell me that I give my sons much freedom. What you made your post is not form of disagreement but judgement. I has to fix something back to you then. Please admit it...

You should read my post carefully because I made my post in general way without point finger/make judgement against anyone. You don't know how anger feel I'm after read your 2nd post here over my 2 venting threads. I shut my mouth and made 2nd response to you. You claimed that I put those word in your mouth in your 3rd response post... What a joking... It annoy me totally because you knew an exactly it's you who throw my 2 venting threads on my face in first place... and insisted that this is only example. It's no excuse. What you did here put me off total... Now I am not sure anymore either I will create an other venting/ranting thread here in the future...

I said the same that you should re-read my post carefully and then wish you a good day.
Liebling, I can see now that you've been hurt by my respond, if that's true? then I owe you an apology because I never intend to hurt your feelings only that I was giving an example about an issue of trust. Hope you can forgive me for stepping on your toes. ;)
Liebling, I can see now that you've been hurt by my respond, if that's true? then I owe you an apology because I never intend to hurt your feelings only that I was giving an example about an issue of trust. Hope you can forgive me for stepping on your toes. ;)

Okay, Apology and Forgive is acceptance. :hug:

Yes I know you do not intend to hurt my feeling... It´s okay if you disagree with me like what you did at death penatly thread etc.

I also owe you an apology, too for make harsh posts... I should not make posts like this straight way to upset you.
We are a parents of 2 kids. My is 13 yrs old. I let him play my computer. He loves to play game. I have a limit for him to use my computer. I told him that he is not allow in adult site, which he did went into adult site. He think that I would not find out. But I did it. I can find out what he been up to. My husband told me he went into adult site. I ask my son what are you doing in porn site without my permission?? I know it is natural for teenager to curiousity. I did not punish him and he did learn his lesson. He got embarrasing when I ask him about porn site. He never did that again. From now he play game and listen his Ipod music. We teach my son about computer and be careful who you talk to.
Good Subject here Taylor...

Being a parent myself. Believe me these are things I've thought about for the future of my kids. I have plenty of time to wait considering my kids are 1 & 2 years old. But parental controls will be available & used on the computer. More likely I'd have the computer in the front room or in the computer room. No way their bedroom.

I believe I've heard a while ago they have a CD-Rom of some sort that monitors the computer with out the kids even knowing it so you can check up on them later on. I don't remember though. I'll have to check into it & get back with ya on that.

But it is a must though if we are going to let our young kids on the Internet. Just gotta be on the look out & expect the unexpected when our kids are on line. Never know what could happen when your not around. & That's what will worry me in the future in my kids get older.
Basically, the best option is to use an Internet Browser with parental controls. That way, the parents can get to approve the websites before the children access them.

For instant messagers, the contact list should be all local friends and relatives, nobody else.
I would like to disagree about that. Even though I'm not a parent (i'm a teenager) I would like to talk about this subject. Now, yes I can understand the issue of porn and pedofiles (sp) on the net, however as you get older you do get wiser. Ya know? Now I attend a few forum websites and I have fortunately run upon a pedo yet. (thank god) So I tend to have people from all across the world on my messengers. Now we talk about stuff, personal stuff, social things, and whatever else we can think of. Now, yes the messengers should be monitored and if any suspicious activity from a certain person on im does occur then the child should be questioned. Now you can't trust everybody on the net but a little trust is deserved. So limiting contact list members on messenger to local friends and relatives is just not right. I mean, your child could talk to someone from China and learn about their religion and how they live. It could be a great learning experience.
mostly parents always kept eyes of their kids on the internet because more safety about crimes like as older guys wanted dating girls underages as 21 or less they will call police when i watch news about some guys arrest for stalking of girls typing to guys on the online that not good idea!

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Cyber Sex Sting Puts Man Behind Bars
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Sex Stings Leads To Seven Arrests And Danger For Police
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you can read infomation about sex stings to get away from older guys and dont let your children to chat stranger online im suggestion about that i wanted you read about that please!

if mostly kids who know each other like sweetheart in school can allowed chat online that okay or e-mail that okay but not older guys can chat online for sex that wrong!

my mom told me about crimes and i would learn my lesson of crimes and i never met any man who have crimes and when i dating with guys who had crimes but im lucky not hurt myself but my mom was right.and i told police about that and i dont going dating that shit from crimes guys!

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