This is often an ethical topic that she wanted our opinion on.Why do you need someone's experience? Download one of keyloggers, for example from here: Independent testing, rating and review of monitoring software install it and receive your own experience. It is better to try it by yourself.
They keylogger is for the computer itself.really?? wow, that's pretty scary... so is this can be done by sending someone an email without them knowing it's a keylogger program???
They keylogger is for the computer itself.
If it was a program sent by someone else, it would be a trojan designed to steal passwords. But... this only happens if someone was stupid enough to download every single thing they get from emails.
That's why we should use our best judgment when opening emails. I know my friends. I know how they talk, what they usually email me, the way they type, their writing style, etc. So, if someone sent me an email with an attachment that was a virus... I would know. The same applies to AIM.
For example, a friend of mine always uses her online blog to post pictures of her vacation trips. I suddenly get an email from her out of the blue. The message is simple. "my spring break pictures! click here! (insert weird URL)" First of all, I know this friend doesn't talk like that. Secondly, I know this friend's real blog URL. So, I don't click on it.
Some people are gullible enough that they click on every single thing that they get in emails and they end up getting trojans,virus, spyware, etc. :roll:
I used one to fnid out what my wife was really doing! It worked great for me, I'm now divorced! LOL
My advice, if you trust somebody, go with your gut and trust them, and don't use keylogger, but if you have suspicions, and good reasons, then try 007 Keylogger, I can give you a link for it....
In my case, it allowed me to get her email passwords, instant messaging passwords, and it takes screen shots so you can see what they are doing, and it logs what sites, and files / programs they use... It runs totally in the background, and can email you the log files daily...
I installed a keylogger on someone's computer because she wanted to prove that her roommate was looking at porn. She shared her computer with two roommates. Whenever she got on, she would get pop-ups and also found a bunch of porn bookmarks. She didn't know where it was coming from.
So, I installed it on her computer for her. Whenever each of her roommates finished using the computer, she would immediately check her keylogger. That's when she realized who was actually looking at porn. So, she ran anti-spyware and anti-virus programs on her computer to clean it up, then set up two passwords for getting on her computer... which only her, me, and one roommate know... the other roommate was no longer allowed to use the computer. Tsk tsk tsk...
Personally, I might use it if I was worried about what people were doing on my computer. However, it's not really a problem since no one uses my computer except me. If I did let someone use my computer, it's usually so they can check emails and I'm in the room with them.
This is often an ethical topic that she wanted our opinion on.
She probably wanted to know if we thought it was ethically appropriate to use a keylogger.
Some may say it's wrong, while others say it's right.
For me, it would depend on the purpose of it and as long it isn't used for wrong purposes.
For instance, I've helped people with things on their computer. Sometimes, things will require password... such as AOL, email, AIM, Windows, etc. While they may give me their passwords, I have no purpose of using those passwords for my own use. What will using another person's AOL account do for me? What will accessing another person's email do for me? Nothing.
So, if I was concerned about misuse on my computer... I would probably install a keylogger on it. If someone used it and it logged passwords that they used, I wouldn't care because I wouldn't use those passwords since they serve no purpose for me. That means, I'm using a keylogger for good.
Some people use it for malicious purposes... to steal passwords and snoop around invading other people's privacies. That's a very unethical use of keyloggers.
I've used Keylogger before. There are several type of Keylogger. Do Google search tho.. I downloaded "Family Keylogger" $24 (I had free trial tho). It keep track of what my kids do on net. But it's not good cuz it can't keep track what my kid do online.
I see!
Spector Pro keylogger was the BEST ever I had. I used Cracked version but this software somehow got around and contacted Spector software company and it sent a code to locked out my cracked version grr. It last me 3 days. It DOES everything even snapshots ect. Grabbed screennames and password ect from my daughter's I was able to log in her Bebo and nose around. See snapshots of website, email, ect.. (according your wish to set every 30 sec or longer and size of file you wish to set limit so it won't overtake hard drive space) and even keep log of Email, Instant Messaging of any kind ect.. It cost $100
You can choose setting to make it sealth mode so no one will know it's there. Not for me cuz I know what's slowing down the PC. Even if you tried to trick me, I can spot something and hack it and disable it. LOL
Slow down the PC? oh bummer!
They're performance hog in some way (2nd to Firewall/Antivirus software). Best bet is to upgrade RAM memory to give enuf room for performance.
I read comments of people use this software and helped them to know if their spouse cheating, kids into porno or some inapproporate or scary website and roomate snooping something. I know it may be unethical but as long as you don't abuse it for purpose.
--- Yea I read comments about ppls using the software and helped them on cheating, kids into porno or inapproprate or scary websites, nor roommate snooping!
It shouldn't cause any lagging problems. Of course, it might depend on a few things. (For my friend, there weren't any noticeable lags. This was for a 2001 computer in 2003.)Ok you had installed it on her. I was wondering, does it cause her computer any problems such as laggings or so?
Personally, yea if my friends or someone besides my friends coming over using my friends, THAT IS MY BIG MAIN CONCERN because of our kids! You know!
Does that affect the computer any problems such as lagging or so?