I'm sorry but no, you're one who are not getting it, not everyone else in this thread. :roll:
No need to be sorry,
You have the right to believe what you want but you are responsible for doing your job and you can't let your religious beliefs take over your job when it comes to discriminating against certain group of people.
I understand that,
I'm not sure what is going on with you, you claim that you support gay marriage few posts ago yet you defended her for using her beliefs to discriminate against the LGBT folks...
Nothing is going on,perhaps ive just not been clear. So ill give it another try...i support gay marriege, i support all kinds of marriege, what adults do with consentng adults, is their bussiness, and thats that.....the state should stay the hell out of it. Period. Ive been clear on that...any legal action.granting or protecting an adults rights to marry who they wish, and when i support....its that simple....with me...
I aslo defend a persons right, not to be coherced by the threat of force (firing, publicly shamed ect, threats of harm)... or by actual force (jail) to go against theie heart, and mind and or religious (what ever they may be), beliefs and ideals...tolerance cuts all ways in my eyes...not just for those who at any given time may or maynot have state protection or favour...
You're really contradicting yourself when you're saying this kind of stuffs because you called us LGBT folks short-sighted because she tried to discriminate us due to her bigoted, discriminative religious beliefs and the majority of us thought she deserve to at least be fired from her job
Its not contradictory at all...its not an either or, we are and the issues are far more complex then that..i see jailing old women for not signing papers to be both short sighted and unjust. Its short sighted because the goal can be better aicheved with allot less stiring of resenment of a large swath of the population. If it keeps up....there is no need for it...now the state has decided. This women and those like her, theyre time is passing..the guard is changing...she should be left to do her job the one she always has done. Others csn process the rubber stamps and paperwork in regard to this issue, and she prob soon will be gone, and her job filled with those who support the cause....the above is a bit slower a process, then say firing her, or dragging her off to jail by her hair...i grant...but i feel the slower way in this issue is the superior one...
I have no issues if you agree or not...but the above is how i see it...your view is different...cool
. I understand you're an anarchist, Hoichi... But if you defended the woman for standing up with her own beliefs, it's also saying you're supporting the LGBT being discriminated due to that.
No its not....its stating exactly what it states...the actuall subtance of her faith, what she believes to me doesnt come into....her faith is her own...and i respect her for standing up for it...
Don't really see how it'd cause any problems if she get fined or thrown in jail.
If the state starts tossing old women, in jail on the bhest or under the banner of the lgbtqa cause....(shakes head)....the gains wom, will in the end.....long term be undermined.....if you really cant see why.....then.....i wont be able to explain it more...its one of those "you need to see it or your just dont kinda of things".
She is still discriminating the LGBT due to her bigoted beliefs... And because America already passed the law in term of stuffs with LGBT, it's time that everyone start to treat the LGBT folks with equality
Fools rush in...
. If she doesn't want to be involved with LGBT during her job even though her job is required to provide the marriage license for anyone... Why? It's required to do so in the civil law. If she can't do it then she should resign or get her butt fired.
How long has she worked this job? How long has the requirment for her to sign gay marriges been in effect? Would you be as quick going against your morols or your ideals?not every one is fast to give up thier faith or morals or positions in life (what ever those may be) some,and many actually believ and strongky follow their beliefs.its just how many are wired i guess. Some can change theie beliefs and faith like a t shirt, others juat cant or take a hell of allot longer....
Heck, if people started to use religion to go against the deaf people like what they did with LGBT, you wouldn't be saying those kind of things, trust me.
Dont presume to tell me what i think or would be stating.