Agreed. Another comparison of the two cases in point-by-point.
Had both been required to use city or county defense attorneys, they might both have gotten the chair, rope, gas, needle -- whatever was the method du jour.
On a journalist's assignment, it soon become evident that the entire show is musical chairs. Defense attorneys were once prosecuting attorneys or will soon be. Judges are merely graduates of either pool moving up through city to country to state benches. Before and after each performance, they're all big buddies. Who was where was mostly a matter of current political affiliation.
Not in my lifetime, even though our legal system is one of the beat, I hope someday there's a better way.
Amen to that. Our current system has been bought and paid for in some instances.
I was hoping that tragedies such as these cause repentence and a change of actions and attitudes. I am thinking the test is in the fruits since the life-changing incidents. Did Ted go on to raise minimum wage and fight for human rights? I can't tell you all that happened..
Did other political figures buy courts and judges and yet are not repentent in their deeds? I can't say.
Tragedies should cause our characters as human beings to change and become better...
Justice is rarely meeted out fairly. Why? Because of policitcs and the mood of the climate.. Some laws are rediculous,, and yet.... they get enforced. Some laws are fair and right, and yet, they can be avoided and manipulated if you have enough money.
The point being... What is right today? What do we want in the future? Who makes the laws? Who votes and gets involved? Why don't we have a Deaf person running for office..
If we want fairness,, we have to put the right people in office, or we need to run for office.. At the very least,, we need to call our representatives when we see something is wrong...
By the people, for the people,, but if we are the people,, who is actually taking the right measures to change things?
That is true patriotism..