Keep the Pressure on Bush/Cheney


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
May 26, 2004
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There are three weeks before the elections, and I urge everyone to NEVER FORGET what crooks the Bush/Cheney team are.
It might NOT be too late to impeach the war criminal Bush, but chances of that are slim, I suppose. Clinton got impeached for lying about receiving sexual favors, and one would think that Bush's deliberate lying about Iraq and WMD's would be taken more seriously and cause far more alarm than the right-wing-controlled media has made of it.
Phooey, we are getting too complacent.
I therefore URGE you to spread the word, Bush is ON THE WAY OUT.
Let's face it, Bush is an oil man as well as a lying crook. And as for his apparent soulmate, Cheney? Just check out his impressive criminal enterprises in

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Lying crook? Could it be that you just don't like his ideas? That's the beauty of this country. We have choices.
TiaraPrincess said:
Lying crook? Could it be that you just don't like his ideas? That's the beauty of this country. We have choices.

It isn't about his ideas its about him lying to American people, his promises, his says and his doing....(And I am not going to listen to anything that comes out of that man's mouth again) I am voting for Kerry and that's my final answer. :)
Yawn. This is a free country, and we have our choices. I am going to vote Republican this upcoming election. Halliburton is old news.
Beowulf said:
There are three weeks before the elections, and I urge everyone to NEVER FORGET what crooks the Bush/Cheney team are.
It might NOT be too late to impeach the war criminal Bush, but chances of that are slim, I suppose. Clinton got impeached for lying about receiving sexual favors, and one would think that Bush's deliberate lying about Iraq and WMD's would be taken more seriously and cause far more alarm than the right-wing-controlled media has made of it.
Phooey, we are getting too complacent.
I therefore URGE you to spread the word, Bush is ON THE WAY OUT.
Let's face it, Bush is an oil man as well as a lying crook. And as for his apparent soulmate, Cheney? Just check out his impressive criminal enterprises in


What is heck "Halliburton " that ??? :confused:
Sabrina said:
What is heck "Halliburton " that ??? :confused:

Halliburton is the oil equipment company that Cheney used to run before he become VP. He STILL receives a 'stipend' from them which is basically equal to the salary he gets as the VP (in the 100 thousand range). Halliburton is under investigation for various contract violations, such as overcharging in Iraq, no-bid contracts (aka, they were just handed the contract. Total contracts to them are about $20 billion!), violation of international sanctions in Iran, Libya, and other countries, and a number of other questionable actions.

There has not been any proven direct correlation between Cheney's actions as VP and Halliburtons contracts, but if a connection is proven, this could easily fit into the category of 'high crimes'... aka treasonable and impeachable actions.

Please note that Cheney also had energy policy meetings early in Bush's presidency about He meet with people from energy companies including Halliburton and Enron, and excluded other groups (aka, those without corporate interests) These meetings were behind closed doors, and information about them have not been released to the public. There have been lawsuits to find out what happened in those meetings, but Cheney has been refusing to release any information about these meetings because of 'executive privilege'.
One recent bit of news about Cheney apparently serving in the interest of Halliburton is here
DeafRepublican said:
Yawn. This is a free country, and we have our choices. I am going to vote Republican this upcoming election. Halliburton is old news.

Saying Halliburton is old news is like saying the Iraq war is old news.

I respect Bush as a person but voting for a president is a different story!...

Normally when he talk about what he will do for our country, I miss most of it....I suppose it from not believing a word he says... :smoking:
Some people are saying that the world will run out of oil soon! :shock:

If we can't find alternative energy soon, we will be back into the days of buggies!