Karma stories

A Nihilist

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Jul 11, 2012
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So just curious has anyone got some good karma stories? e.g. has someone screwed you over only to find themselves scrwed over?
Sorry, karma is not part of my belief system, so, no stories to tell.
I gave up my seat on the bus for a sweet old lady once... Then I had to stand the rest of the ride... Does that count as Karma?
I gave up my seat on the bus for a sweet old lady once... Then I had to stand the rest of the ride... Does that count as Karma?
No good deed goes unpunished. :lol:
I gave up my seat on the bus for a sweet old lady once... Then I had to stand the rest of the ride... Does that count as Karma?

Yes, I beleive in Karma...

You did to lady good then you will get something good in return.
I gave up my seat on the bus for a sweet old lady once... Then I had to stand the rest of the ride... Does that count as Karma?

Not quite, a good example of karma is if you gave up the seat for the old lady and then the next day you find a 10 dollar bill on the sidewalk.

Or a negative example of karma would be if the old lady treats you like a servant and never says thank you. Then she gets robbed at the end of the bus route.
I gave up my seat on the bus for a sweet old lady once... Then I had to stand the rest of the ride... Does that count as Karma?

The problem is, you don't see where the good karma that results from this. The immediate benefit is that the sweet old lady gets to rest while sitting. The delayed benefit, or one that is "invisible" (or should I say several) is that other people see that you are kind (30 years from now, a kid who saw you today will return the favor to you as an adult, remembering the kindness you extended to the lady years ago).

SOMETIMES, good karma can be finding that $10 bill on the street, but a better example is someone giving you a bowl of soup to take home to enjoy one day.
The problem is, you don't see where the good karma that results from this. The immediate benefit is that the sweet old lady gets to rest while sitting. The delayed benefit, or one that is "invisible" (or should I say several) is that other people see that you are kind (30 years from now, a kid who saw you today will return the favor to you as an adult, remembering the kindness you extended to the lady years ago).

SOMETIMES, good karma can be finding that $10 bill on the street, but a better example is someone giving you a bowl of soup to take home to enjoy one day.
Nah, the problem is I don't believe Karma is a real thing. I've given up a bus seat plenty of times. I'm fit, I can stand for the 30 minutes it takes to get wherever I'm going. Older folks don't always have that luxury and having a seat can help them out a lot.

What happens after I gave up my seat is sometimes immediately dependent on giving up that seat (the person will thank me, or smile big, or you can see that glimmer in their eye and you know they know humanity isn't a complete loss yet). Other times what happens after, if the person didn't thank me (I don't need to be thanked) and then got mugged, it's independent of the seat completely. Being mugged wasn't at all related to me giving up a seat or their reaction. They were mugged because some rotten crook mugged them.

Blaming it on Karma takes some of the blame off the crook, and that's just wrong. It was the act of the criminal that triggered the crime, not because the victim did something bad sometime prior.
Well, recently I went to see a friend and as I was passing by their mail box slots (where they get their mail)...I saw this lady (elderly) in a wheel chair, one leg was amputed....she was trying to get her mail from the top slot. It was packed full and she couldn't pull it out...so I stopped my car, got out, and helped her get the mail....Found it strange they would give her top slot when she was in a wheelchair and could not stand up....told her to go to her office and ask for a bottom slot....maybe I should have told the office myself?....:hmm:

Anyway...if good Karma decides to come back my way...sure would welcome it. But never have expected another good deed for doing something for other people.
What happens after I gave up my seat is sometimes immediately dependent on giving up that seat (the person will thank me, or smile big, or you can see that glimmer in their eye and you know they know humanity isn't a complete loss yet). Other times what happens after, if the person didn't thank me (I don't need to be thanked) and then got mugged, it's independent of the seat completely. Being mugged wasn't at all related to me giving up a seat or their reaction. They were mugged because some rotten crook mugged them.

Blaming it on Karma takes some of the blame off the crook, and that's just wrong. It was the act of the criminal that triggered the crime, not because the victim did something bad sometime prior.

It's a little more complicated than that...

I forgot to mention that good action is to be done without expectation, but simply because it is the right thing to do, with no expectation or motives attached to the action.

If you read again the last posting I made, it explains why people who do good have something bad happen to them, while criminals get away with bad actions (the Financial Mob comes to mind - not one of the perps in charge of the activities have EVER gone to prison). This means that a person who does good now, might have committed something in the past life or life from 4-1000 lifetimes ago, and it is just now bearing fruit. The criminal committing crimes today and getting away with it apparently was a good person previously, and now he is reaping the fruit from that time. There are times when the person is caught relatively soon. That would be karma coming around very quickly, and some people, like those admitting on their death bed their crimes, may not experience the karma until another life.
It's a little more complicated than that...

I forgot to mention that good action is to be done without expectation, but simply because it is the right thing to do, with no expectation or motives attached to the action.

If you read again the last posting I made, it explains why people who do good have something bad happen to them, while criminals get away with bad actions (the Financial Mob comes to mind - not one of the perps in charge of the activities have EVER gone to prison). This means that a person who does good now, might have committed something in the past life or life from 4-1000 lifetimes ago, and it is just now bearing fruit. The criminal committing crimes today and getting away with it apparently was a good person previously, and now he is reaping the fruit from that time. There are times when the person is caught relatively soon. That would be karma coming around very quickly, and some people, like those admitting on their death bed their crimes, may not experience the karma until another life.
Then how if good action is to be done without expectation could good action result in finding a $10 bill later that same day?

I think the concept of Karma is a means to encourage people to live good lives now. Inundate young people with this concept that doing bad will always result in a punishment sometime later and if they believe it, they're theoretically less likely to do something bad. But they'll test it... They'll figure it's not real eventually, and the whole system implodes on itself.

Instead of teaching about Karma, we should demonstrate and teach our kids that doing good is a reward in and of itself. The more people who start to believe that, the better our world will become.

And to the opposite, society already does a great job punishing criminals. Most criminals get caught, sometimes right way, sometimes later... But most get caught. Most kids are pretty logical too, you compare stealing a thing vs. time in jail and all the negatives that can bring to your life and it's never worth it. You just need to get kids to think about the future a bit, which is the harder part of this, but it also applies to Karma.
So keeping in the spirit of exchanging stories I'll start with mine:

Several years ago I used to organize group motorcycle rides and at one meetup I met this guy who I'll call, "Bob". It started out innocently enough with some introductions but I found myself getting annoyed with him. "Bob" would interrupt me while I was talking with others. And when I invited him to rides he'd act like he was the boss saying, "No one else comes along".

The last straw was when he asked if he could borrow my chain tool and I say yes. Then I say I could even help install the chain onto his bike and "Bob" says, Nah I don't want to hang around with you just drive to my house and drop it off. I was insulted by how he was rude and ungrateful.

So I decide to write him off and never rode with him again and never replied to his messages.

Fast forward to a year later, I find out through "Bob"'s friend that his motorcycle got stolen and even though he got another one he ended up having to sell it due to arguments with his wife. And not only that my other motorcycle friends got tired of him too and were done with him.

I just found that pretty funny in that such an annoying guy finally got his comeuppance.

Now please let's not get into the religious debate on whether or not karma exists. mmm'kay?
about year ago I got in bit fix with money short notice long story as to why., so thought what the hell I got lottery ticket not like me I don't buy them..Checking that night my numbers came in it covered my loss about three times over..i paid money into bank no one the wiser and pocket the other two thirds at that point I thought karma on my side...I put cash into my case and went on holiday with daughter which been booked months before..
Second day of holiday I not well so I gave my daughter about £5 told her go to penny arcade and I had days sleep..When I woke up went get money it was gone I thought been nicked..i went to holiday complex manager who said he he would look at ccctv and what we saw was 5hours of my daughter spending£400 in penny slot machines..Quite a few expletives were used but it was karma.Been honest first place I be £400 the richer
Mod note:

No religious discussion please.

My definition of bad karma is when you don't do something right by someone and it comes back to bite you in the a$$ somehow. Like if you were to steal someone's wallet, then you get your own wallet stolen the same day.

My definition of good karma is kind of like "pay it forward." Such as if I bought a cup of coffee for someone, and then someone else buys me a cup of coffee later that day (and especially without even asking.) Some could interpret that as just simple kindness, and not karma, though.
Karma!!! i remembered I saw Young college dude punched the STOP SIGN. Then STOP SIGN bitch-slapped him back and he fell on ground hurt his face like he was so idiot. I laughed at him. I should told him I won't press charge him for assaulting STOP SIGN.
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do unto others as you like done to you,i go by that

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