Just your thoughts and opinion on things.

Got to live your life. Living in fear is no way to live.

I agree...my friend was overprotected by her parents and now she trouble handling difficult situations because she has never learned how and she is so fearful of almost anything. She has become so paranoid and it is starting to affect her quality of life.
what do you call the parents who want to homeschool their children because of school shootings and bullying... and want to keep their children home at night because of automobile accidents and thugs... and want to supervise their children at all time because of possibility of kidnapping/molestation... and would not hire a babysitter cuz of possibility of abuse/molestation?

Those people are extremely paranoid and arent letting their children breathe, learn from their mistakes, nor allowing their children to face challenges.
I call it living a very sheltered life.
Possibly causing a child live in fear, and not have any hope in society.


My friend is a perfect example of that. She is so afraid of new things in life and gets anxiety attacks when faced with a new situation in which she has to do some problem solving. She would page me and 5 of her other friends for our advice or opinion before making a decision on what to do and some of them include decisions about her family. It is a shame.
I know incidents are still rare -- that's what I am trying to state, with properly given statistical data that cannot be refuted: as the era chronologically progresses, more shootings (categorizing all) have occurred compared to before. Major Shootings are still a sporadic instance sort of thing. But the fact that any type of school with kids having guns blazin' akimbo has grown substantially is what I tried to solidify in my research thesis.

It's like this, the way I am trying to convey it, similar example I used in the paper:
Joe was born in 1950's. Throughout the 60's, he only heard of 1 shooting as a kid. Then in the 70s, maybe just one. In the 80s, he was reading newspapers and subconsciously tallied 3. During the 90s, when he's 40 now, he's seen that number jump to 15. Now he's 50 and has read or heard in the radio that 30 shootings have happened since 2000. He'd be like to his son: "Son, when I was a kid, we NEVER had any shootings going on." That's the kind of linear progression I am referring to. Joe can't help but think that shootings are occurring more and more as time progresses.

Yeah, the population has grown, I don't have any numbers - in retaliation, that's a probable reason to why the shootings have increased as well.

I can't speak for Maria, but I do understand her concern... That is the data I gave in response. She's probably seeing through the change in time and that's which is what influences her opinion about homeschooling, as well as a lot of the Americans who've kept up with the news.

I was a child raised in the states through the 80s, so there's not much I can contribute prior to then. Although if you have a kid now chances are you were from an older date like the 70's.

that's the problem. the cause is unknown. Even the great minds and government do not know. why? because it's so rare that no reliable study cannot be performed... not with this insufficient amount of data... which is GOOD! You do not want this to become a significant statistic, don't ya?

This site is perfect for newly or old schooled deaf or HOH to vent out. And/or to learn.

Seek and you will find.


We should not discriminate. Even if they barely loss their hearing. And want to vent out. On this site.

Fair enough. IMO Bottesini should snarl at all whiners indiscriminately.
IMO, I think too many people risk drunk driving these days. Pls dont drink and drive tonight!
Also remember that being buzzed is the same as being drunk driving!

That's exactly what I mean...it seems too many people take that risk with a buzz. I refuse to drive if I have a buzz. I went out clubbing with my friends last Sat night and drank only one alcoholic drink at 830 PM cuz I knew I was going to drive. For the rest of the night from 9 PM to 2 AM, I drank water.

Too many people rely on their "drunk" friends to drive them home as well. They seem it is safer for them to let another drunk drive for them as well. So do not get in a car with another person that has been drinking and let them drive you!
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I can empathize with newly deafened folks. When we lose our hearing (or vision or mobility or whatever) at a young age, that is pretty much all we know. But if someone is used to having their hearing/vision/mobility/whatever else, then it makes sense that it's hard in the beginning for them to no longer have it. They haven't learned alternative ways yet, so I think it's only fair to give them compassion and advice on how to live newly deafened (or newly whatever the case may be.)
I can empathize with newly deafened folks. When we lose our hearing (or vision or mobility or whatever) at a young age, that is pretty much all we know. But if someone is used to having their hearing/vision/mobility/whatever else, then it makes sense that it's hard in the beginning for them to no longer have it. They haven't learned alternative ways yet, so I think it's only fair to give them compassion and advice on how to live newly deafened (or newly whatever the case may be.)

<good posting>