The travelers and the story
Friends taking a trip on a train:
Friends taking a trip on a train:
These signals are very rare. There's only one operational one currently in service:
don't it scare you trains travel on roads middle of towns
scare life out of me...I got phobia of level crossings I will walk couple of miles out of my way to avoid them
the crossing near me quite a few people have died,It country side one had no gate but after 5th or so person to get killed they put gate up and direct phone to signal box you have to say you crossing buggered if you deaf.One of the people killed was deaf that why they put it up it bizzare
There are really old bridges here too, all made of timber. My wife freaks out going under them. You have to stop at a sign and its under the bridge, so she will blow through it, I stop and she gets mad so I sit But it does look like it might fall any day