Just Married

w00t! congrats on your marriage.. have fun! ;)
I would like to see pix of u lovebirds together as newly married couple. Pretty please:)
Hi Peachy Lady

My husband ain't gonna let me send a picture to alldeaf, he wanted it to be private, :roll: That's him and there's nothing I can do about it. Thanks for asking Hugs!

I would like to see pix of u lovebirds together as newly married couple. Pretty please:)
Just Married 2

Me and My husband want to thank you all for congratulationed us, we really appreciated you all for that.:ty: with all our love to you all very much...

Myyyy gawwwddd Nooooo (laughing soooo hardddd).....If I have a boy I'll name him "NoMore" and second for a girl is "Enough", that what I will name them, just kidding (laughing)...I have a friend who has 7 kids, oh my gawddd, I'll die...laughing...Hugs!

Now you're married, are you thinking about having 8 kids yet?
I thought you were already been married, I had no idea that you just got married. Congratulations are in order. ;)
Hey Cheri

Hee hee ...Yeah I got a habit of callin' him my husband when I posted here in alldeaf, cuz we was gettin' married anyway heh and thank you for congratulationed us with a smile from our heart.:ty::giggle:

I thought you were already been married, I had no idea that you just got married. Congratulations are in order. ;)
Hee hee ...Yeah I got a habit of callin' him my husband when I posted here in alldeaf, cuz we was gettin' married anyway heh and thank you for congratulationed us with a smile from our heart.:ty::giggle:

Yeah I know what you mean. ;) I'm so happy for you, how does it feel being married now?
Hiya cheri

Thank you so much for your kindness .....how does it feel being married now hmmmmm, a redneck like me ain't so sure what it's feel like to be married, feel like I've been married before (Laughing so Hard)...Since I've been with him for 5 years feels like same old love thang (cracking up)...it's nice...

One day I asked my mom, I said did I git married, my mom looked at me and said oh No you didn't get married she laughed and I said really I didn't git married and she said Oh you did git married and I told my mom and said I don't even remember gitting married, I felted like I was lost on the day of my wedding, felted like it was a dream laughing until I got my video set up and watch it and I said Oh yeah I did git married and then had my picture developed and I said Oh I really did git married...now that I'm not lost anymore laughing. Crazy!:laugh2:

Yeah I know what you mean. ;) I'm so happy for you, how does it feel being married now?
To everyone

Thank you for Congratulatin' me and my husband, with warmth from our heart to yours ...Thank you!:ty: