Just had a Cyst Removed


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
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I had this cyst on my thigh removed today. I'd show a pic but I'll spare those with weak stomaches. It wasn't cancerous and removal was optional but I didn't want to take my chances keeping it.

I've got a good 5 stitches, 2 inch gash now.
Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! Hope it heals up well and fast.

I love your new haircut, by the way. Very cute picture.
Thanks Beach! It was an experiment (my hair) and I think it went well too :)

Yea the codeine is just kicking in, I can tell I'm not going to sleep well tonight. I still think they could of made a smaller cut. Its about as long as a thumb I guess.
I guess they have to get it all, and be sure about it.

How long do you have to have the bandages on? Do the stitches dissolve or do you have to go back to have them removed?
I can't shower for 2 days (which I'm gonna just be bad about that one and figure out how to cover the stitches, I hate not having a shower, icky lol) on the 29th I go back in to get the stitches removed..... not looking forward to that at all.

I feel I made the right decision though.
I can't shower for 2 days (which I'm gonna just be bad about that one and figure out how to cover the stitches, I hate not having a shower, icky lol) on the 29th I go back in to get the stitches removed..... not looking forward to that at all.

I feel I made the right decision though.

You can probably do sort of a "bird bath" shower - stand in front of your bathroom sink and use a washcloth, carefully avoiding getting your stitches wet. I had to do that for a while when I had surgery on my foot and was under STRICT orders about no shower for a week, I think it was. Bathroom sink, washcloth, warm soapy water, did the trick so I didn't have to walk around being smelly. :D
Day one after the removal.... Honestly, not as painful as I had thought it would be. It hurts but its not to the point of me crying... then again, either I have a high pain tolerance or the fact the thigh isn't really a sensitive area on the human body (compared to shoving 6 inches of gauze down a cut inside my underarm a few yrs back, THAT hurt wayy worse! felt like I was in a Saw movie!)

While we're at it, I'd like to hear some of your scar stories :)
With my first C-Section, the staple gun jammed about 5 times so that I got double staples in 5 places. It was supposed to be 25 staples and I got 30. Then, when they went to remove them, there was the massive pain involved with the jammed ones coming back out. Needless to say, the doctor begged me to choose a different hospital if I got pregnant again. Luckily, when I did get pregnant again, I had different insurance and got to use the other hospital and I still used the same doctor.
Scar stories: I still have a scar on my knee from when I fell off my bike when I was 7 years old.

Still have a scar on my forehead from when I was 5, and my sister (then 3) picked up a wooden block and threw it at me. Hit me square in the forehead between the eyes. I can still remember the pain and the blood.

Surgical scars: have one that is similar to a C-section scar from an op done for an ovarian cyst back in '84.

Hysto was done with laparoscopic method in '97 and scars have virtually disappeared. They were tiny to begin with, practically non-existent now.

Scars: the price we pay for having had an interesting life! ;-)
I had one small Cyst and I just popped it out by myself. Hurt but worth it. it gone now.
Day one after the removal.... Honestly, not as painful as I had thought it would be. It hurts but its not to the point of me crying... then again, either I have a high pain tolerance or the fact the thigh isn't really a sensitive area on the human body (compared to shoving 6 inches of gauze down a cut inside my underarm a few yrs back, THAT hurt wayy worse! felt like I was in a Saw movie!)

While we're at it, I'd like to hear some of your scar stories :)
I have a "hole" (well, dent) where a cyst was removed from my upper back maaaannnny years ago. As I recall, it might have gotten infected so that's why the dent, but I may be wrong about that. My daughter, who loves blood & gore (and is studying nursing) hates to look at my dent. Go figure.
Hope you feel better soon! You can buy bath wipes at the drug store, which are giant baby wipes. Great when you can't shower (especially for camping).
Glad you are feeling better!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes :)

So, a friend of mine (who knew about my cyst) asked me about my cyst today...

Friend:"How's your leg?"
Me: "So-so"
Friend: "Oh, why so-so?"
Me: *slightly irritated, holding back sarcasm moment*....... I have stitches....
Friend: "Well wouldn't it of been better than a scar?"
Me: *walks away before my sarcasm pours out*

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