Just got Purple IP relay and I have stupid questions

Hi Ambrosia,

I went through the same frustrating roller-coaster trying all of the various options as you. And yes... almost shorted out my brain! LOL

I tried them all and then got a free CaptionCall phone. I recommend it if you have a landline and internet connection or router near each other. If you try it and do not like to use it it can be returned, as Sorenson still owns it. I had also tried all of the various IP-relays, captel android apps and even bought a Captel phone which I returned. I think the CaptionCall phone is far superior in the imperfections of all of them.

That said... I don't use it for calls. LOL I'm not coordinated enough or patient enough to read and type, and wait too long. I do use it with my answering machine (or voicemail if you'd like) though. If someone does call you can caption the messages. That is very helpful.

I do not like chatting on the phone at all... never did even when my hearing was fine. If people do not want to email me or text then there is no chatting. The Captioncall does come in handy for doctor appointments and other non-friend calls.

It was trying out the IP-relay that made me get the CaptionCall phone.
Yeah I would use strictly for making calls to businesses. Friends and family I just text, or use the chat in facebook
It could be the best option then. Google CaptionCall and you can get the info and then sign up for an installation. It is totally free.