Just getting over the flu!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2005
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I was not on all day yesterday as I was horribly sick. Couldn't keep anything down, not even water! :( I hadn't been this sick in 10 years. A friend of mine just returned from Bangkok sick with the flu, so I'm certain I caught it from him. Yikes! Glad to be back on today.
Call your doc and set up for flu shots.

no..... you can't get the flu shot if you're having a flu. Just get a medication from doc called TamiFlu. It helps a great deal. beside.... If I remember correctly - last year flu shot was effective in only 20% of USA.
I was not on all day yesterday as I was horribly sick. Couldn't keep anything down, not even water! :( I hadn't been this sick in 10 years. A friend of mine just returned from Bangkok sick with the flu, so I'm certain I caught it from him. Yikes! Glad to be back on today.

OMFG! <run away from you> but feel better ASAP!
Is the flu related to the SARS virus that is/was going around in Asia?

Get well soon, AlleyCat!
Thank you all. I was worried about the SARS thing too, but the friend I'm certain I caught this from recovered in 1 1/2 days, and then my boyfriend (who is his roommate) caught it but was all better in 1 day, and I am feeling tremendously better today after yesterday, so I think this is just a normal flu or stomach virus.
I have been having a sinus headache/coughing the pass 2 days, but today I am feeling better too!

Oh and i don't get flu shots as it has been stated before, it's not very effective.

Glad to hear you are doing better!

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick, but am glad you're starting to feel better! :)
I get a flu shot every year. In my case, they work quite well. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had the flu.

When I get sick, it's due to colds and allergies/hay fever.
Oh my goodness Alleycatie, that sounds terrible, I hope you feel better soon, you definitely need the rest so you can heal quicker, I know it no fun being sick. :hug:
AlleyCat, I am glad that you're feeling better. Alots of people are getting sick in the world. It's no fun to getting sick. I hate it.
Sorry you are sick. Glad my husband and I got flu shots two weeks ago. I hope you are completely better soon.
Thank you all too! It is no fun getting over the flu. I didn't expect to get the flu so soon otherwise I would've gotten the flu shot already. Hope all of you have a healthy winter!
Oh ouch, that's seems no fun, sorry about that.

For me, I can't get flu shot since my doctor said no.
no..... you can't get the flu shot if you're having a flu. Just get a medication from doc called TamiFlu. It helps a great deal. beside.... If I remember correctly - last year flu shot was effective in only 20% of USA.

The flu vaccine shot called "Fluarix" it's good effective to preventing a flu viruses.