Just feel depressed...

BabyAngel said:
What do you mean....little breathing space for himself and he'll come back????? :confused:

don't mind him dear... :hug:
what about your brother? doesn't he feel sad cause his dad might or might not show up at the wedding?
girl!!! i remmy that u told me on pager long time ago.. i know u are young.. look at me, i was young age as u are now.. deaf love gossip, trouble, stabbed my back.. i just got mad and hurted til i decided to stay home and avoid from them, i went see who i trust friends thats all.. til stopped i was abt 26 or 27, i usually not around deaf that much.. only i can go is deaf events thats it... they keep on ask me where i been at?? i say oh well busy and avoid deaf ppl.. i stand up myself.. they gulped... i dont care abt them.. cuz of forcus on my own life more than they are..

also they dont uddy their family need them more than a friend.. u know what i mean.. so gossip are IMMATURE!!!

girl, u can stand up and ingore them and try avoid on pager too.. u can talk ur hubby and who u trust friends simple!* dont ingore me on pgr hahahah* it will less.. trust me.. :hug:

I am very sorry that you are going thru such a hard time. It seems like you have been hit with many problems all at the same time. I will pray that you will get grace and comfort for the Lord.

I know the sorrow you feel in losing a parent. I have also experienced that. It is hard. But time will soften the pain. You will never forget the person, and sometimes the sorrow hits again. But your daily sorrow will fade.

You are doing the right things now, to keep busy and help other people. That helps the time move more quickly.

You still have many friends who support you at AD.

God bless you. :hug:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
what about your brother? doesn't he feel sad cause his dad might or might not show up at the wedding?

"Might or Might not???????" Miss P, my dad passed away last January, but of course he would be around with us at my brother's wedding. I didn't even ask my brother's feeling or anything about it.
I think some ADers are confusing BabyAngel and Steel's posts. :dunno:
TweetyBird said:
girl!!! i remmy that u told me on pager long time ago.. i know u are young.. look at me, i was young age as u are now.. deaf love gossip, trouble, stabbed my back.. i just got mad and hurted til i decided to stay home and avoid from them, i went see who i trust friends thats all.. til stopped i was abt 26 or 27, i usually not around deaf that much.. only i can go is deaf events thats it... they keep on ask me where i been at?? i say oh well busy and avoid deaf ppl.. i stand up myself.. they gulped... i dont care abt them.. cuz of forcus on my own life more than they are..

also they dont uddy their family need them more than a friend.. u know what i mean.. so gossip are IMMATURE!!!

girl, u can stand up and ingore them and try avoid on pager too.. u can talk ur hubby and who u trust friends simple!* dont ingore me on pgr hahahah* it will less.. trust me.. :hug:

Yeah...almost three years ago, I stopped hanging out with deaf friends because of a lot of problems, I have been hiding myself at home all the times and didn't even go out at all, just only go out with my family until last year somehow I started talking to a deaf person and it just pulled me back in, I started hanging out and stuff, now it is getting worse because of talking behind my back, spread fake rumors, stuff like that. I just can't go through again....but I do have some friends that are christian, they still talk behind my back. I thought I can trust people who are christian, but now...I don't know....
Reba said:

I am very sorry that you are going thru such a hard time. It seems like you have been hit with many problems all at the same time. I will pray that you will get grace and comfort for the Lord.

I know the sorrow you feel in losing a parent. I have also experienced that. It is hard. But time will soften the pain. You will never forget the person, and sometimes the sorrow hits again. But your daily sorrow will fade.

You are doing the right things now, to keep busy and help other people. That helps the time move more quickly.

You still have many friends who support you at AD.

God bless you. :hug:

Yes, that's true...it does help me to move on if I keep myself busy so I don't have to think about my dad too much. But thank you, Reba
I know the pain of your parents passing away, i lost my mom in 97 and my dad in 02. I feel it the most when i look at my own kids and know that they will never know their grandparents. But, they will know of their grandparents through me.
I have had alot of bad stuff happen in my life, and my only advice would be to never give up. Unfortunately some people in this world will hurt you, take advantage, etc. BUT not everyone. I believe in trusting everyone knowing that some will not honor that trust. BUT it only takes 1 person to honor that trust to make a life time of difference in your life. Some keep your eyes open, and keep trying to make friends. Hearing and deaf alike, some good, some bad.
one other thing, dont ever forget to live for you. do something you love to do. and keep doing it with or without anyone else. i golf all the time, almost always alone. but i love to do it :)
best of luck, my prayers are with you
and try to smile the most when you want to cry.
BabyAngel said:
Yeah...almost three years ago, I stopped hanging out with deaf friends because of a lot of problems, I have been hiding myself at home all the times and didn't even go out at all, just only go out with my family until last year somehow I started talking to a deaf person and it just pulled me back in, I started hanging out and stuff, now it is getting worse because of talking behind my back, spread fake rumors, stuff like that. I just can't go through again....but I do have some friends that are christian, they still talk behind my back. I thought I can trust people who are christian, but now...I don't know....
yea i know what u mean.. u know that deaf gossip wont stop and forever... yea it hard for trust whoever!!!! if i were in ur shoes, i wont tell ppl DEEP stuff so just say simple and nodding at them alike i did since.. same thing one person still on my nerves since.. i just laugh myself cuz of that person wont get over on me that why.. i already moved on but that person dont.. so i let that person blah blah blah abt me cuz of i know i dont nutthin wrong RMFE! anyway back back to ur story, just be strong urself and dont let anyone ruin ur life allright! if u need me then PAGER ME!!! :hug:

No one can know how another feels unless they have walked in their shoes.
I used to suffer severe depression, for I never had anyone to help support me in times of trouble
The last time I had a friend was when i was 5 years old.
Trying to work and support myself has been difficult in the last 20 years i have had many jobs,but, lately due to my age 57 and hearing disability i haven't been able to obtain a job. Now i just wait for the day that i am 65 and can collect my old age pension. That is sad!
My life has been one of suffering.
Although I don't diminish your suffering you do have so many blessings-
When I get depressed now i try to find someone who is worse off than myself-not too difficult.
Take care
God Bless
Babyangel, I understand how you feel, since I feel the same way as you do. My dad passed away a few days after my birthday in June 1997, and I still think of him a lot. Feelings can be very deep and painful, but that's part of adulthood. I feel sorrowful for you!
(prays to God)
BabyAngel...I understand what you are going thru..It is very hard when you lose someone close to you like your parent/parents...I lost both of my parents a long time ago and i went thru a period of deep depression you wont believe but i managed ok cuz i had some very caring friends who helped me thru it..it would help if you have some one who you can trust even some close relative or get some professional help. Well, hey, you have friends here in Alldeaf!! We care about you so hang in there, sweetheart!! Dont let those
people who hurt you get you down, they are not really your friends at all! Just
ignore them..they are not worth worrying about!
Just go on with your life and be happy! ok? hugs to you!
sky said:
No one can know how another feels unless they have walked in their shoes.
I used to suffer severe depression, for I never had anyone to help support me in times of trouble
The last time I had a friend was when i was 5 years old.
Trying to work and support myself has been difficult in the last 20 years i have had many jobs,but, lately due to my age 57 and hearing disability i haven't been able to obtain a job. Now i just wait for the day that i am 65 and can collect my old age pension. That is sad!
My life has been one of suffering.
Although I don't diminish your suffering you do have so many blessings-
When I get depressed now i try to find someone who is worse off than myself-not too difficult.
Take care
God Bless
Sky...I feel for you but it could be a lot worse, you know so hang in there!
you are in my thoughts and prayers! God bless!

What can I say? I had tears dropping down from my eyes after reading your post. I have to say that I can feel your pains and depression, really I do :hug: I don't know what type of friends you have but, Hey If you live near me I'll be hanging out with you, after reading all of your posts here in AllDeaf, who wouldn't want to hang out with you? You're such a sweetheart, and it's your friends loss because they are missing out on what type of person you are. :ily: I knew about your dad passing away months ago and I know how that would effect you, Don't ever blame yourself base on how you both didn't seem to get along before, Everyone makes mistakes and I know in my heart that your dad loves you very much no matter how bad things turned out a while back, and I know life is short everyone goes, and of course it's a scary thought to think that someone close to you or a family member passed away and knowing that somethings should be said before someone goes and it's hard to know when their time comes, But most important of all just live your life the happiness you can and treasure it. You could always get new friends and meet new people and if your so-call friends don't want to hang out with you then, let them be the ones coming to you instead of you going to them. Know what I mean?

There are times that I've gotten mad at my dad, But I make sure that he knows I still love him and that never change because I don't want him to go (six feet under) without knowing that I've said those words to him. People have told me that whatever someone passed away, they are still around in you heart, And I know your dad knows how you are feeling and he wouldn't want you to be depressed he would want you to be happy and live your life. I know it's hard to let go and not seeing him around anymore, believe me I know how you really feel, there are gotta be times you going to be missing him and that's normal sweetie. We all going to miss the people we most care about in our lives even through they're not there anymore with us but in our hearts.

Hang in there sweetie, keep your chins up. :hug: ***giving you a tickeling***
Aw :(

I know how you feel BabyAngel even through I don't know how it feel to lose one of my parents but I do know where you're coming from regarding friends that talks behind your back, I've been thru that myself here too, I no longer speak to them since I can make more friends that I more likely can trust, you have me you know :hug:...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad and if you ever need a someone to vent out your feelings or need a shoulder to cry on, you can always count on me! :ily:

And one more thing, I am sure your dad knows how much you love him no matter how many times you haven't even told him often, but hes looking down at you and is smiling and is very proud to have a daug like you! .. :aw:
Hey, BabyAngel, I know you don't know me, but I wanted to offer a hug anyway! :hug: It's hard to ignore those people who are talking behind your back, even though they're not worth your time or tears, but just know that you're better off without them. I lost my mom in 1997, so I know the pain of losing and missing a parent, too. It sounds like you got slammed with a lot of things in your life at once, but from what I've seen here at AD, you've got a lot of people here that care about you. So, hang on to that when you get down and know you can come here to vent anytime!

rjr2006 said:
Babyangel, I understand how you feel, since I feel the same way as you do. My dad passed away a few days after my birthday in June 1997, and I still think of him a lot. Feelings can be very deep and painful, but that's part of adulthood. I feel sorrowful for you!
(prays to God)

I am very sorry to hear about your dad, but yes you are right about feelings. It is really hard...
Wow, it made my day better when I read the posts you made. I really appreciate that you (everybody) really do care about me and understand how I feel. Thanks for supporting me and glad that yall understand what I am going through everything! Thanks!!! :ily:
Baby Angel, HUGZ to you. Hang in there girl!

Feisty Chick, it is time we go back to teaching you what the difference is between a male and female.