just curious

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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QUICKLY -- What is your very first thought once you see the word below?

Please don't use a dictionary until you after answer..

Alchemy was an old science in the middle ages where magicians attempted to turn base metals into gold.
PFH why did you ask- curious ?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony Activated Aug/07
I need money. If you know how to change stuff into gold, you will be my new best friend.
Something to do with chemistry. One of the elements on the Periodic Table of Elements.
I wasn't looking at what the word meant....when I first saw it, it reminded me of the word....arch-enemy....or archenemy....(guess I've played too much Scrabble)....anyway, I don't know what the word means, so I'll have to look it up.
i know what it means, but the first thing to come to my mind is World of Warcraft for some odd reason... and i dont even play the game. haha
When I see the base alch - it makes me think of alchemist as old time name for a chemist, back then as a practice that those who understand the stoichiometry of chemicals (and materials, objects) and can induce them to create desired compounds. Usually the alchemist in my mind is a guy with white hair, horn rimmed or dark glasses and wearing a lab coat.

And yeah, alchemy is the mastery skill of that.
Didn't look it up, straight from my mind.