Just curious.. anyone with night blindness?

I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I understand what you are going through as I got upset too when I started losing my sight.

I am now having more problems with my sight as my eyes hurt and I have a major problem with light sensitivity.

I think it would help if you learn blindness skills like learning how to use a long cane. Long cane's aren't just for the totally blind. If I concentrate hard I can (or could) just about manage without my cane but got tired. With a cane I move so much faster and it meant when the sun gets too much I can still get about. I also have a guide dog but use my cane when I let her off on walks.
I appreciate all the responses I'm getting. Even the Comical ones (Chaaassee guess you are the All Deaf's Clown) "said with kindness":crazy::D

Yeah. the first step I will have to take is to see a specialist which I admit I have not called yet, due to I'm trying to research in my area who will be more qualified to find out if I may have this or not. My Mom is being very supportive also, she feels I need to find out for sure.
My Mom feels my hearing loss is due my heart stop beating while she was in labor and the Dr. had to do an emergency C-Section. She told me all her life that she feels it was from the lack of oxygen during that time. Now I told her what I feel it might be. She was flabbergasted. Same as me she has never heard of Usher Syndrome. So she is being very supportive and waiting for me to see a specialist to find out.

again thanks to all for the support.
While there isn't much you can do about the problems driving at night (certain glasses may help, but not often/aways to the extent of safe driving at night) you should be able to get alot of help in the other departments. Orientation and Mobility specialists are generally used to clients with vision ranging anywhere from 20/50 to 20/1300 or worse, so asking for a referral from the specialist you're visiting would be a great idea.

In regards to vision loss being a big deal... yeah, it is at first, but with proper coping mechanisms, it can and will be reduced to just "another thing" in your life. That is not to say that it's unacceptable to be upset- it's quite normal, and it's supposed to feel like a big deal at first. It wont always, though.


Yeah, I'm still coping with the issue in the best way I can. I'm very lucky to have a family that supports me.
While there isn't much you can do about the problems driving at night (certain glasses may help, but not often/aways to the extent of safe driving at night) you should be able to get alot of help in the other departments. Orientation and Mobility specialists are generally used to clients with vision ranging anywhere from 20/50 to 20/1300 or worse, so asking for a referral from the specialist you're visiting would be a great idea.

In regards to vision loss being a big deal... yeah, it is at first, but with proper coping mechanisms, it can and will be reduced to just "another thing" in your life. That is not to say that it's unacceptable to be upset- it's quite normal, and it's supposed to feel like a big deal at first. It wont always, though.


and lucky to have people like you that is being very helpful......:ty::ty::ty:
My husband and I were just outside looking at the sky, He was trying to help me find stars. I could not see them, I tried with all my might. but I did get to see the moon I found it cool and my husband took a picture. It looked like it was smiling at me. After all it made me feel better due to I could not see the stars. From what my children and husband says they're a lot of stars out due to it is clear in South Florida as of now. Just thought it was neat to see the Moon smiling after I tried soo hard to see the stars.
There is a Lighthouse for the Blind in this area.

Anyone know of this organization?

Is it a good place for me to start?
There is a Lighthouse for the Blind in this area.

Anyone know of this organization?

Is it a good place for me to start?


I used to co-facilitate a support group for the deafblind and have a variety of resources I can give you. What state and city are you from? (If you don't want to mention it here, you can send me a PM.)
I don't see as well at nite and I have to be more careful driving. It's not serious but serious enough I am always aware of it. I hate night driving!

I used to co-facilitate a support group for the deafblind and have a variety of resources I can give you. What state and city are you from? (If you don't want to mention it here, you can send me a PM.)

I will take you up on that offer. :)
Well, sometimes I have a terrible time seeing at night and I avoid streets with lots of oncoming cars as headlights will blind me. I hate dark rainy nights as glare is very difficult to cope with.

As far as my doctor can tell, I have no eye disease so that's not the reason why I have trouble seeing at night. It has improved a lot since I got glare resistant glasses though.