just checking in...


New Member
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
It's been awhile since I've bothered posting, or even visiting AD, so I figured I'd come by and say what's up.

So what's up?
Hmm. I just happened to pop by as well.

I decided to convert my nightstand (which is in my living room, not bedroom) to a bed for my cat with the bottom drawer being stuffed with blankets and all...
so he can lay down and be petted without sitting on my lap while I am on computer.

Smart, huh?
The sky is blue that what up. Kidding. Nothin much but heading for my fall season as summer is almost over for me.
GD, the necessity is the mother of invention. I don't know what that means. It just sounds smart. Keep up the enginuity.

Lev, if by shagging you mean punched her in the tummy if she was pregnant, everyday.

Sasha, what crazy, upside down land are you from!? On Earth, it is almost Spring. Not Fall. What planet are you from, creature?