Just a thought


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Not trying to offend all these awesome members here, although it might a tad wee bit...lol

Why doesnt this site limit to only those who are Deaf/deaf, HOH, Late deafened, CI and HA users only?
Maybe have to submit proof to join or something... Ive noticed tons of "Hearies" just popping in to do their homework, spam/scam, dating, ruffling feathers and tons of negative remarks towards the d/Deaf. I understand some in our community arent fond of the CI's but need to respect that we are all in this together one way or the other, its all hearing related and not by choice as we were born this way.

so many times hearies pop in, Oh I got a device to cure this, Why dont you do this, it may help your deafness....ect... just rude and un called for altogether. But its also rude of the Deaf to put down late deafened or HOH, because they were probly once in that boat as well leading up to their deafness and what they chose to do about it or not was their choice.
Let the bickering begin...lol
Not a bad idea to have some sort of vetting/application process and having to submit something. I wouldn't want to show my audiogram though lol.

As for application process or investigating... I've been down that road as a YahooGroup moderator. Have seen some folks slip into our group (geared to a specific group/community) who lied on their application to say that "why yes I am a member of this community...". So it's a bit challenging.

As for all those hearie posts... I just skip right over them (as well as any other topics by deaf posters I'm not interested in), finish reading then mark all read. Done. Less drama, and my blood pressure thanks me.
Im not against the hearies ( as I was one in a previous life...lol) but as long as they are civil and respectful to all of us here with our broken ears.
It's just unrealistic to require everyone to submit proof of their hearing loss.

A more practical option would be to revise the AD home page so it has a section for hearies. It can be titled, "Hey Hearies, do you have homework for us? Click here and see all the threads on this topic" or "Are you looking for an ASL learning buddy?"
It's just unrealistic to require everyone to submit proof of their hearing loss.

A more practical option would be to revise the AD home page so it has a section for hearies. It can be titled, "Hey Hearies, do you have homework for us? Click here and see all the threads on this topic" or "Are you looking for an ASL learning buddy?"
Yeah, it doesnt work like that... should be more of check a box if youre deaf, we can sense if they lie and then the ban hammer gets dropped.
Just too much BS going on lately with these wannabes.
I have meandered thru this site almost since it's inception and hearies aren't really that much of a problem....with a few exceptions, of course and we handled them just fine....same goes for some deafies......place would get boring if its spruced up too much....:lol:
I have meandered thru this site almost since it's inception and hearies aren't really that much of a problem....with a few exceptions, of course and we handled them just fine....same goes for some deafies......place would get boring if its spruced up too much....:lol:

I agree if they are here for good measure, but the ones that just join to troll and stir the pot is just too much. Its like putting a normal student in a school for Downs and they get bullied.... Normal Boy, whats you looking at NORMAL BOY ?
It's just unrealistic to require everyone to submit proof of their hearing loss.

A more practical option would be to revise the AD home page so it has a section for hearies. It can be titled, "Hey Hearies, do you have homework for us? Click here and see all the threads on this topic" or "Are you looking for an ASL learning buddy?"

I actually started a student question, and ASL buddy thread, but sadly most seem to think they are too special and need to start their own specific to them thread.

All the start of semester and finals times here are pretty annoying, and that's when I could see something like a moratorium on new members .
I dont think anyone reads the FAQs or rules when they join, its too easy to type in a name, password and just post away here.
Just an Idea... since no one reads the FAQs...
They have to write an introduction, then a waiting period for the members to either vote them in or out, then they have access to the forum?
A little harsh, kind of like a deaf version of survivor, "You got voted out loser!"

I could go for this as long as we have a dedicated group of people that decide who can be a member. I just can't see this being a free-for-all otherwise we'll have problems with phonies again.

And instead of this being a sort of public, "Will you accept me" intro thread we can just leave this to the sole responsibility to the forum moderators. The new potential member can simply just go through the registration process and answer a question on why they want to be a member. And the moderator can simply review the answer and give the yes/no to allow that person to be a member.
I gone through all the bother of giving up time setting my camera then nothing.
I thin people who work within community or married got sibs is fine Many ask same questions so maybe pre-done questonaire and blogs to read. Before going any further..I beginning get hang of trolls now
What about small bit of Asl before going any further.
Other than that Mike I don't know ,it is public forum..I follow bot reb Beb rr if they don't answer then got good idea what genine
Just an Idea... since no one reads the FAQs...
They have to write an introduction, then a waiting period for the members to either vote them in or out, then they have access to the forum?

I find the introduction writing idea annoying!!! I had NEVER known of a forum where the idea existed before I came here. I found out it existed after I had been posting for while. I came here when looking for information about a specific piece of hardware after doing a Google search.
Introductions are one of the cultural features of the deaf community.
If deaf is more than what an audiogram says then who is to say who is deaf or not... personally I ignore most introductory post and those from students or fetish seekers.... it cost me nothing to just keep scrolling but would cost a mod a lot of time and effort for such an ordeal...

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I on my own countries one but prefer this one more of mixture.i don't want go on about Deafness on each thread but you have good ideas and shared Experince even if subject not deafness.no one know what person thinking but you get understanding of thought process
There many on here not deaf and they very welcomed but telling deaf what they should be doing is patronising and subjects like what's good or bad for deaf should be left to deaf person.
People join everyday and never post again even weekends the spammers around,sadly this happens on all forums.I for one read many posts of non deaf that OK for me and many more of us often age related Or humour
I must ask more questions than most proberly pi88 them off as this American forums British woman on American site maybe I should try understand American ways which beyond me at times.but if don't know I ask.but not all the time.
So Annie you very welcomed and Jane reb you all have understanding of human ways that important.
I understand Mike you come on here chill out and end up answering load questions from someone who want us do there homework it unfair
Never having join a forum site before I am one of the odd ones that did read the rules and browse through the FAQ before joining and making any posts.

I do like having an introduction requirement. It is good to know a bit about someone's background to understand their world perspective. I have been on other social sites like yahoo groups and meetup.com where the organizer required an introduction as part of the request to join.

I joined to meet and chat with others who are deaf like me so posts by hearing members with no connection to deaf people can be off putting. Resticting the site would be an administrative nightmare so I think realistically it would need to remain open to all. However, perhaps make it clearer on the membership form that we are not here to do their homework, we don't want to be lab rats, nor are we looking to be cured.

There are some posting that are clearly spam. Even though there is a "report post" button maybe the sign up form needs have more human identity check features to help prevent robots from signing up and posting.
Never having join a forum site before I am one of the odd ones that did read the rules and browse through the FAQ before joining and making any posts.

I do like having an introduction requirement. It is good to know a bit about someone's background to understand their world perspective. I have been on other social sites like yahoo groups and meetup.com where the organizer required an introduction as part of the request to join.

I joined to meet and chat with others who are deaf like me so posts by hearing members with no connection to deaf people can be off putting. Resticting the site would be an administrative nightmare so I think realistically it would need to remain open to all. However, perhaps make it clearer on the membership form that we are not here to do their homework, we don't want to be lab rats, nor are we looking to be cured.

There are some posting that are clearly spam. Even though there is a "report post" button maybe the sign up form needs have more human identity check features to help prevent robots from signing up and posting.

Re what I have added the bold to. Speak for yourself only! I do not like the idea of requiring an introduction. Some would love to be cured!