I do not believe Judical system is corrupted or skewed. It is the laws that is made by congress is so skewed and is the root cause of the problem.
The purpose of having Juror is to separate perspective from those law enforcement agencies, and the judges as well. Without Juror, These law enforcement can easily abuse, and so is Judges would abuse the system. So, because of having Juror, this prevents abuses from happening.
Of course the judical system is not 100% perfect, but I believe far better than any other countries judical system. There are countries out there that have the worst judical system.
I have relatives in the police force. They have told me themselves that there is a lot of corruption that goes on. Some officers will turn a blind eye to a crime or may arrest someone for something petty and ridiculous. Don't get me wrong--there are wonderful well-intentioned officers that seek justice and there are also officers that fall victim to the peer pressures of the police station or are more concerned with getting their month's quota than seeking justice. On the individual level, there are great officers and not so great officers, but those not so great officers lead to corruption in the system as a whole. So I don't think the corruption is just in the laws, I think it's also in the system of enforcement.
I don't really believe our judicial system is any better. We just have more people to sweep the problems under the rug.