Judge order Paris Hilton to court!

Sara1981 is actual PARIS HILTON!!!! LOL.. just kidding!

Anyway, Just respect sara's thread. this is her things of whatever she wanted to put. :)

Sara, thank for some links i really enjoy to read..

Enjoy your stay on forum! have blast weekend.. :thumb:
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I think it´s really silly to send Paris to jail over that drinking... :roll: They should do SOMETHING to punish her instead of send her to prison... Something like that, make her work on the street or whatever... and heavy penatly fine...

Prison is for REAL criminals only.
Driving drunk is a real crime in America. Drunk driving kills many innocent people.

She also drove without a license and broke the terms of her probation.

She's wealthy. The heaviest fine allowed wouldn't impress her.

As for "working on the street"; I believe she already did that for free with her boyfriend, on video. ;)
Martha Stewart's looking better all the time. :)
Big girls don’t cry-yi-yi (they don’t cry)
Big girls don’t cry (that’s just an alibi)
Big girls don’t cry
Big girls don’t cry
Big girls don’t cry
Big girls don’t cry
Big girls don’t cry

(Thank you, Frankie Valli. :P )
Driving drunk is a real crime in America. Drunk driving kills many innocent people.

She also drove without a license and broke the terms of her probation.

She's wealthy. The heaviest fine allowed wouldn't impress her.

As for "working on the street"; I believe she already did that for free with her boyfriend, on video. ;)

Good one Reba, "working on the street" :giggle:
She violated her probation twice after DUI, that is why judge send her to jail. Anyone who is on probation have to follow their rules or jail time if they broke the rule. DUI is not funny, LIebig, too many people got killed by DUI drivers cuz I know few died because of it and don't tell that to MADD. They fought to bring it against all DUI drivers.

Yes I know that she violated her probation and do not follow the law. This is disrespectful what she did but she didn´t involve with accidents. My opinion to save tax payers is penalty fine and make her work public street.

German vehicle law are very strict with drinking and driving, that´s why we have low drunk driving rates. That´s why we have driving schools here in Europe. Driving school fee is very expensive, that´s why. Parents educate their children how to drive here in Europe are strict forbidden.

If you violate vehicle law then your driving liescne is ban between 3 and 6 months and penalty fine depend how many % alochol, you drink without accident involvement. With accident involvement, liescne ban plus fine penatly within one year or more and you have to go driving school... Accident involvment with killed, prison up to 2 years or more. If you violate drinking driving more than once then your liescne ban REST OF YOUR LIFE.

My opinion, teen driving should raise up to legal age.

You can see those link that film stars, including President Bush who violate law for drinking driving...
Drunk driving (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If I were you, I'd be paying attention to what Germany has been wasting taxpayers' money on... :o

German taxpayers don´t waste their money for put little criminals in jail and also expensive death penalty as well. :) that´s why we don´t have death penalty here. All what they do demand many penalty fines and harshly punishment from people who violate the law to save tax payers.
Driving drunk is a real crime in America. Drunk driving kills many innocent people.

She also drove without a license and broke the terms of her probation.

She's wealthy. The heaviest fine allowed wouldn't impress her.

As for "working on the street"; I believe she already did that for free with her boyfriend, on video. ;)

Yes, Drinking driving, shoplifters, etc are also crime here in Germany as well but they get penalty fine and harsh punishment.

Yes I know she violate the law. She deserve the harsh punishment for that.

Yes I has to agree with you that put her jail is best choice because she is a wealth and can pay everything with money but taxpayer cover the jail costs for her which is a waste.

Ha ha, Reba... about video... :lol: That´s not what I mean. I mean that she should clean trash, dirty job, etc at public street or do as dustmen/women with dustbin work.. .like dirty work... It gives her lesson.
...If you violate vehicle law then your driving liescne is ban between 3 and 6 months and penalty fine depend how many % alochol, you drink without accident involvement. With accident involvement, liescne ban plus fine penatly within one year or more and you have to go driving school... Accident involvment with killed, prison up to 2 years or more. If you violate drinking driving more than once then your liescne ban REST OF YOUR LIFE.
They did ban her license, and they did fine her but she did keep driving. The only penalty left they could do was jail.

My opinion, teen driving should raise up to legal age.
Paris is not a teenager.
WTF at Paris Hilton because she's crying like baby.

She was sent to jail for 45 days, that is so shorter but if she get charge for DUI in southeast states, also violate of her probation then she will send to jail about up to 90 days or more, that more harsher than law system in California.
I hope she becomes someones bitch ^_^ well.. because it'd be funny "ohhh what a pretty little girl you are... go in the corner and bend over!!!"
Yes I know that she violated her probation and do not follow the law. This is disrespectful what she did but she didn´t involve with accidents. My opinion to save tax payers is penalty fine and make her work public street.

German vehicle law are very strict with drinking and driving, that´s why we have low drunk driving rates. That´s why we have driving schools here in Europe. Driving school fee is very expensive, that´s why. Parents educate their children how to drive here in Europe are strict forbidden.

If you violate vehicle law then your driving liescne is ban between 3 and 6 months and penalty fine depend how many % alochol, you drink without accident involvement. With accident involvement, liescne ban plus fine penatly within one year or more and you have to go driving school... Accident involvment with killed, prison up to 2 years or more. If you violate drinking driving more than once then your liescne ban REST OF YOUR LIFE.

My opinion, teen driving should raise up to legal age.

You can see those link that film stars, including President Bush who violate law for drinking driving...
Drunk driving (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I knew about Prez Bush was drunk driver and got away with murder. I knew Senator Ted Kennedy was drunk driver when his car fell over the bridge and drown his passanger back in 60's, he got away with murder. Now more stirct laws than it was back in 70's and 60's.But it still not perfect yet. Reba is right about Paris, she is not teenager, she is 26 years old. Many Hollywood movie stars and famous there are getting away with murder with their drinking and drive plus drugs they are taking. Thing about film stars they are living in LA which it fell under Sheriff Baca, he should be fired for doing famous and movie stars favor to keep it secret from us while average people alike us if we got caught then we have to go to jail with no sympathy from anyone included Sheriff Baca. That is one reason we are mad and fed up with rich and famous people who are getting away with murder not us little people. It is all about standard. It is true jails are overcrowd but I knew some women who had to serve their term for variety reason and some of them are less charge than Paris , they had to spend time in that awful place (not prison) where Paris is staying right now.

Glad in Germany the law is strict but how many people live in Germany? In state of Calif, we are the largest population in the USA and we do not have enough money to build more jails and prisons. Instead we spend money on illegal aliens than ever before.
Yes I knew about Prez Bush was drunk driver and got away with murder. I knew Senator Ted Kennedy was drunk driver when his car fell over the bridge and drown his passanger back in 60's, he got away with murder. Now more stirct laws than it was back in 70's and 60's.But it still not perfect yet. Reba is right about Paris, she is not teenager, she is 26 years old. Many Hollywood movie stars and famous there are getting away with murder with their drinking and drive plus drugs they are taking. Thing about film stars they are living in LA which it fell under Sheriff Baca, he should be fired for doing famous and movie stars favor to keep it secret from us while average people alike us if we got caught then we have to go to jail with no sympathy from anyone included Sheriff Baca. That is one reason we are mad and fed up with rich and famous people who are getting away with murder not us little people. It is all about standard. It is true jails are overcrowd but I knew some women who had to serve their term for variety reason and some of them are less charge than Paris , they had to spend time in that awful place (not prison) where Paris is staying right now.

Yeah, it was happened the same here in Germany and other Europe countries as well. They treat stars, polities, etc different as normal people which I disagree to. I hope that German justice system will learn from US justice system how to treat rich and poor people equal.

Glad in Germany the law is strict but how many people live in Germany? In state of Calif, we are the largest population in the USA and we do not have enough money to build more jails and prisons. Instead we spend money on illegal aliens than ever before.

Yes, we have difference population numbers that's why they use % of 100 people at statistic to compare with.

Comparisons with other Countries
The USA has one of the worst DUI driving accident rates in the developed world while having lower to mid-range rates of alcohol consumption.

The UK has a DUI accident rate less than half the USA, higher alcohol consumption per capita and more or less unlimited 24 hour access to alcohol for teenagers. The crime of DUI manslaughter does not exist in legislations outside the USA and the sentence of causing death by dangerous driving is correspondingly lower, usually 3-4 years for a first offence.
Drunk driving (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I noticed that many little crimes like shoplifters, etc end to put jail which is a waste. I only support to put REAL crimes like murders, robbery, fraud, rape, abusers, etc. Little crimes like violate vehicle law WITHOUT accident involvment, shoplifters, etc deserve to pay fine penalties. I disagree to support illegal aliens because they are suppose to take care of their own people and country.