I know Joseph Mesa, Erick Plunkett, Ben Varner... Sadly, I was student at Gally while Joe did murder those two Freshman guys... Joe was actually an idiot and crazy man.. Back to 1998, Joe did stole laptop from one of student at dorm at Gally and he got kick out of Gally for one or two years and then he came back to Gally.. Why did Gally welcome him back to Gally????? Erik plunkett was Celebral Palsy and Freshman student.. He did always smile to everyone everyday and he was SO happy to be Gallaudet student. Ben Varner was VERY smart guy and he got Dean Lists which he got 4.0 GPA in the Fall of 2001!!!!! Why did Joe kill them for???
Now, I heard from one of my friends who told me that Joe is in MAX prison in CA.. BUT i was not sure because I could not find any information about him. I dont know how did my friend find out about him.. Dont ask me!!!! He probably in mental Illness hospital prison ... In America do have some Mental Health Illness Hospital Prison which they could not be released. One of other my friends who was working at the Mental Health Illness Hospital Prison for the Deaf before and some deaf people who were in the prison and they could not be released at all because they are dangerous!!! Possible Joe is one of them, too.. who knows... I could not proof that because there is NO information about him since after murdered at Gally. Before I knew he was in prison in Washington DC and then he transfered to prison in VA after that, I dunno... where he is now..
I could not believe that his girlfriend Melani IS STILL love him before and after murder... She is still contacted with him.. Some of us were suspected that she might involve with murder, but jury, FBI, police and others did not pay attention to her at all.. She was with Joe all the way while the murdered occurred at Gally.. EEEEEEKKKKKKKK