Jodie Foster Comes Out?


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Mar 5, 2004
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Jodie Foster Comes Out?

For the first time the Academy Award winning actress publicly acknowledges her longtime lesbian partner Cydney Bernard while accepting the Sherry Lansing Leadership Award. Jodie thanked: "My beautiful Cydney who sticks with me through all the rotten and the bliss.' Some people see this as Jodie coming out of the closet. After 14 years together, it sounds like it's about time.

Worst Kept Secret in Hollywood - AOL Video Blog
Jodie been hiding for LONG TIME. I was in love with her when she was in Disney Movies!
wow i had suspect that she is lesbian that is great that she came out about time
Breaks my heart but respect her choices.
sounds like nothing verified and rumors but is her business.
Very lovely lady. One of my favorites.
I didn't know till now... as long as she is HAPPY, that's all count!
No surprise there. It has been heavily rumoured for years.
I never knew, she is a lesbian. I watched most of her movies with men in make love. Interesting...

I remember, she has a son from sperm bank something like that. I always admire in her actress in many movies.
What? I didnt know about this?

I was told I look like her abit.
I know she is for long time, that is why I am love in her. :) She is bisexual for her protect from anyone.... that is what i believe it. Now, I am proud of her.
I've always wondered if Jodie is lesbian. Now I know for sure. I've always enjoyed watching her act in her movies since she was in Disney movies too, Mizzou.
Interesting. I support her and Im glad that she's able to be true to herself and those around her.

I guess the best way to be accepted for you is to surround yourself with alot of good hearted people, gay or straight.
I believe that certain things belong in certain times/places. I've always thought that Jodie kept her personal life under heavy guard. I respected her, as a professional actor. I also thought she might have been trying to prevent her career from being focused on one detail: homosexuality.

She received the award at a "Women in Entertainment" breakfast, a professional platform.

Is she no longer keeping her personal and professional life separate?

Or did she, officially, gave a nod to her life partner without playing into the "who's gay?" game?

(It was the worst kept secret in Hollywood!)
I wondered too for many years if she was one, but who cares as she's respectable by anyone... she isn't the kind to make a big deal about it like some other ones...

I still love her no matter what she become, she's Human... smile
I already knew that she is a closeted lesbian for a long time before she finally came out to the public. I don't blame her for being guarded her private life.
Very interestin'.... I know there's one thing about her. She is very intelligent lady.