Jodi Arias sentence to life without parole

Massachusetts taxpayers is smart enough just simply send Aaron H. to jail without going though death penalty phase while suckerful Arizona taxpayers have to foot the cost for both of legal procedures and end up life without parole instead of death for Jodi...

This is precisely why it is stupid to have death penalty.
is it possible she was abused bc way she killed him and left his body is that of someone with screwed up mind and take so long in the courts harsh on family
I think in uk she go to a prison for mental ill criminals rather than mainstream prison they get wiffi tv three good meals day R&R and hundreds of other things rest of us don't get,they say it not easy option. huh
Another reason why I am against death penalty. We all never know what battles ones into. Best let nature take its course than to kill them.

is it possible she was abused bc way she killed him and left his body is that of someone with screwed up mind and take so long in the courts harsh on family
I think in uk she go to a prison for mental ill criminals rather than mainstream prison they get wiffi tv three good meals day R&R and hundreds of other things rest of us don't get,they say it not easy option. huh