

New Member
Dec 17, 2011
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I was told that finding a job will be tough due to communications on phone. They act like having accomentations not possible and they said they don't have to hire you if you need irelay for phone collections when I was looking at a job post. How can I prove them wrong?
good luck

I have never asked for any assistance on a job. The only place that was big enough and knowledgeable enough to help was Target. They were easy going at the interview and wrote stuff down. I left after 6 months because most of us workers got about 30 hours a week and $8 an hour. It simply doesn't go very far.
I was hired by a welding company because they needed a laborer quick. I also had some welding experience.
A small company will think you are rocking the boat if you ask for help at an interview and simply never call you back. A bigger company could be presented with a page or 2 of ADA rules.
amc, areyou in the US? Check with the EEOC. What they said to you MIGHT have been illegal!

Good luck to you!
Jen M.
I error on the side of not asking for accommodations at interviews. I know I am wiped afterwards due to all the lipreading. Perhaps It would be better to ask for an interpreter. It really comes down to the hiring manager. If you know the Hiring manager then you can better decide if you want to request accommodations at the interview. After you get the job, then yes, asking for accommodations is your right. There are different rules based on the size of the company.

I like to get my deafness on the table and put it away quickly. I like to let them know I am deaf and then let the forget about my deafness through out the interview. I want them to look back and have forgotten about the fact. You see quickly the Audist attitudes that are present in the people interviewing you and can decide after the interview is over if they are people you really want to work for. I guess I am spoiled as I have the privilege of turning down job offers. I realize this is the exception among the deaf.