Job Resume - school for the Deaf


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Jan 31, 2006
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How could we get around this one problem on the job resume:

high school: State School for the Deaf

I'm sure this question pondered some deaf people including me for a quite some time as how could we get around this problem to prevent discrimination to occur and not being hired cuz of that word 'Deaf'. You know how high unemployment rate it does to the deaf community which I highly suspect this one must have distributed the major problem.

You know once the person who hires read the resume and notice that one attended to a deaf school therefore he/she could get around by not calling one to an interview in advance and throw it in trash and look for others instead.

So how can we get around that? I think the only way is to have those schools changing their school name like NJ deaf school did name it as Mary K.... School. (few others did as well) so it should help prevent this.

What do you think? Any ideas - how?
Huh? So in your example, you are saying that instead of "Montana School for the Deaf" it should be "Montana School"?
Have you been to other school training above high school? If so, I was told by one person who works helping people with disabilities find jobs, that you don't need to write down high school because you've already been to college or technical training (if you have). Not sure if it works because it seems like people have various opinions sometimes.

Have you asked a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor who works with deaf people for their opinion? Maybe call them up personally and ask this specific question?
Have you been to other school training above high school? If so, I was told by one person who works helping people with disabilities find jobs, that you don't need to write down high school because you've already been to college or technical training (if you have). Not sure if it works because it seems like people have various opinions sometimes.

Have you asked a Vocational Rehabilitation counselor who works with deaf people for their opinion? Maybe call them up personally and ask this specific question?

Hmm... good suggestion, Clearsky.

I went to college. Actually, I speak for the deaf community (not for myself only).

Few asked me some time ago about this situation as how to get around. Guess that it gets harder for those who graduated from the deaf schools only. Just want to help the deaf people to reduce the job discrimination as much as possible.
That's really unfortunate that in this day and age, we have these issues. It is a big shame that hearing people cant open up their minds.
Good question, web730 (and it was nice meeting you last night @ Deaf Coffee!!!!) - it has been suggested that I leave out the part about being deaf but how can i avoid that if I put in my deaf school? lol.. and I did a good internship for a deaf related activity..

For me, I feel I can't really avoid mentioning I'm deaf in these ways. It's unfortunate that employers screen through that.
On my resume, I only have "Tennessee High School" instead of "Tennessee School for the Deaf". I had no problem getting through this with at least three employers.

I don't believe employers really cared which school you attended/graduated from but they will pay attention to the college/University you attended/graduated from and previous/current employment.

I did consider taking GED, but why take it if I already passed high school?

I guess one could avoid this if they applied for positions at the state/local/national government agencies even the schools for the deaf.
I was JUST talking about this very issue with a friend this morning, lol. When I put down my high school as the AR School for the's like I'm pretty much telling them I'm deaf...and that does open the door for discrimination. :( I might start putting down Arkansas HS...not a bad idea.
Good question, web730 (and it was nice meeting you last night @ Deaf Coffee!!!!) - it has been suggested that I leave out the part about being deaf but how can i avoid that if I put in my deaf school? lol.. and I did a good internship for a deaf related activity..

For me, I feel I can't really avoid mentioning I'm deaf in these ways. It's unfortunate that employers screen through that.


It was cool meeting you at the Deaf Coffee, Liza! ;)

Thanks people for the good advice so let's help others to warn and instruct them to avoid using 'deaf" in their job resumes to reduce the job discrimination.

I know a VR counselor (a friend, too) so I will remind her this in next social time whenever so she could help her deaf clients. I recalled that she had difficult times placing them jobs but easier to place them into colleges or such.
I never put high school on my resume, just the application.

You're a bit dumb if you added high schools on your resume, it should include colleges and universities. Not High School. I did my first, i added my high school, and they're like, OHH YOU'RE STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL, I'm like no, i'm not, I graduated. THEY'RE LIKE, OH, WHY PUT IT ON? Because I'm dumb?
I never put high school on my resume, just the application.

You're a bit dumb if you added high schools on your resume, it should include colleges and universities. Not High School. I did my first, i added my high school, and they're like, OHH YOU'RE STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL, I'm like no, i'm not, I graduated. THEY'RE LIKE, OH, WHY PUT IT ON? Because I'm dumb?

I concur! High school never goes on a resume', only a job application (big difference between the two). If you're in college/university, only the one you are presently attending or latest one attended goes on. If you're a grad, then only the one you graduated from goes on it. It remains on if you go onto grad school and beyond this.
take 1-2 collges courses and put on your resume currently attending like Maryland University or Frederick Community College or whatever. don't include a TTY/TTD number. VRS numbers are tricky. use a hearing friend/family phone number. include a nice email, not
take 1-2 collges courses and put on your resume currently attending like Maryland University or Frederick Community College or whatever. don't include a TTY/TTD number. VRS numbers are tricky. use a hearing friend/family phone number. include a nice email, not

I agree with Duray on this. Good luck, Web730!!! :)
I use my business email address, which is my full name with my middle initial, all in lower case. I have used business cards in the past, will be working at getting some printed up soon.

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