Jealousy Quiz Test..

My score was 33.

"89 or lower: you feel secure and trusting in your relationship."

That is exactly how I feel. I trust him with all my heart. I think my score would have been been even lower except that occasionally a girl comes up to him and drapes herself all over him (even if she knows he is with me) .. but fortunately I know HE isn't going to act on her flirting.
My past relationship; 50 score= 89 or lower: You feel secure and trusting in your relationship.

My present relationship; 104= 90-109: You feel fairly secure and trusting in your relationship.
My total score is 50.

89 or lower: You feel secure and trusting in your relationship.
46. I ain't got no time to be jealous. Either we love each other or we don't. simple as that. no bullshit. no drama. no nothing.

I learned the hard way back in my youth. I was a very very jealous person. the age and time got the best of me and it's been a good life so far! :cool2:
56 here. I'm surprised at this score. I thought it'd be lower.
91 90-109: You feel fairly secure and trusting in your relationship.

Subscore1 - Jealousy Thoughts Score 34 (questions 1 - 8)
Subscore2 - Jealousy Behavior Score 14 (questions 9 - 16)
Subscore3 - Jealousy Feelings Score 43 (questions 17 - 24)

Fairly secure and trusting ... hmm... whell okay if THEY say so... :lol:
:hmm: I'd rather not take a test for how much percent jealousy I would have. I can only admit, I can be jealous sometimes - It is most important to keep it under control :)

Jealousy is natural react to something that you really love about a person, afraid to lose someone you love so much.

Important thing: Don't let it grow to become a "Jealous rage" It's a bad thing to have. ;-)
Jealousy is natural react to something that you really love about a person, afraid to lose someone you love so much.
Important thing: Don't let it grow to become a "Jealous rage" It's a bad thing to have. ;-)

I agreed that jealous rage is a bad thing, because it can be taken too far that may harm or kill someone.
However, I wondered if being less jealous is a sign of trusting each other, or just simply don't care?

Just sharing a thought....

I agreed that jealous rage is a bad thing, because it can be taken too far that may harm or kill someone.
However, I wondered if being less jealous is a sign of trusting each other, or just simply don't care?

Just sharing a thought....

daystarnite - Well, it is hard to say about this because it is actually between two persons in the relationship. Yes, the trust is the most important thing in the relationship, of course, the communication is included. :)

Have we ever meet or seen a person would say "I never have jealousy issue". If I meet this person who say that, I wouldn't buy that because all of us has it inside even if person doesn't realize it.

Jealous Rage is more worse than a simple jealous/envy - Actually.. People may say, envy is better than Jealousy but the term itself, does mean similar as Jealousy.

Know what I mean? :)