James Cameron talks "Battle Angel"...

:tears: I wish it was sooner than 2007!

Oh, well.. Patience is a virtue! ;)
Plenty to look forward to anyway. Especially this year with Star Wars III and Harry Potter 4.
Ziusudra said:
Plenty to look forward to anyway. Especially this year with Star Wars III and Harry Potter 4.

and King Kong!
Update: The sources revealed 3 films may be created from Battle Angel Alita/GUNNM!

This interview article is bit long so I will quote a statement out of this article:

MNS: And it's also been revealed 3 films may be created from GUNNM. This will collect much more of the story than the 1993 OAV anime adaptation. Every recent Hollywood film series that has achieved a trilogy status has gone on to be highly successful, what are your impressions?

YK: If Mr. Cameron said so, he should be sure that the odds are in his favor, but I am not sure about its success. As the original author, I want them to make 4, 5 or more films, not sticking to the trilogy status because it would mean that more episodes could be covered.
I hope as hell that James Cameron will read this interview article and make more than just three movies!

Anyway, here's entire article: http://www.animenewsservice.com/archives/yukito.htm
He might, and then again he might not. I think it's best to focus on just one movie and see how it goes from there, with potential in the ending for a second and third. Trilogies are highly successful because of the name they get for doing the first movie which is usually a success.