Jackson Faces Multiple Molestation Counts

Nuty said:
I'm not usually one to comment on celebrities and their misfortunes. But this demands a commentary.

What kind of fucktard do you have to be to show up to jail wearing lipstick and eyeliner when you're facing charges of child molestation?

I don't know much about the American penal system. But there are a couple of things I can guess about prison life.

1. Child molestaters are the lowest items on the penal food chain, and

2. Guys who wear lipstick and eyeliner are only half-a-step up from the child molesters.

I shudder to think of what happens to guys who are convicted of child molestation AND show up to jail wearing makeup. He may as well wear a big sign that reads, "Please, pork me in the shower, and then stab me in the throat with a sharpened spoon handle."

MJ looks like Barbie Doll's plastic face. I can't image, I sleep side with him. I would be freak out ! :eek:
Ziusudra said:
Ewww! He was so much better looking and more natural as a black person. Never try and change who you are, accept it. Plastic surgery to change you won't change the fact that you're a black person at heart. Oh well, maybe he'll realise that some day but the bad part about it is that all the surgery is unreversible.
He's got some kind of skin disease. He's had plastic surgery to help with that skin disease. He's also got a few others so that he won't look "disfigured" due to his skin disease.
Nuty said:
I'm not usually one to comment on celebrities and their misfortunes. But this demands a commentary.

What kind of fucktard do you have to be to show up to jail wearing lipstick and eyeliner when you're facing charges of child molestation?

I don't know much about the American penal system. But there are a couple of things I can guess about prison life.

1. Child molestaters are the lowest items on the penal food chain, and

2. Guys who wear lipstick and eyeliner are only half-a-step up from the child molesters.

I shudder to think of what happens to guys who are convicted of child molestation AND show up to jail wearing makeup. He may as well wear a big sign that reads, "Please, pork me in the shower, and then stab me in the throat with a sharpened spoon handle."
Actually, he already had make-up on before he went to jail. He had just arrived home from his music video taping. They police were waiting for him and he calmly gave himself up as well as his passport.
I read somewhere that the mother and child said that nothing happened after they visited M.Jackson's place. Now, they are saying that M.Jackson did something. Jeez!

Also, I heard that it was the kid's psychologist that reported it. Well, here's what was probably misinterpreted... "Did Michael Jackson touch you?" "Yes, he did." "OMG! He touched the poor little boy!" Jeez...
I just could gag...Wacky Jacky is still getting headlines...won't someone bury him in a toxic landfill???
