Jiro is right - NJ drivers are probably the biggest assholes I've encountered in my 30 years of driving. The speed limit on the GSP/I-95N is 65MPH, so I set my cruise at 75, but that is not fast enough, and all the morons are tailing me, so I speed up to keep up with the flow, and look down, it is about 80-85. Even the toll booth attendants are uptight, one guy threw a hissy fit when I asked him a simple question.
DC drivers are all dumbshits. The whole area is overcrowded, so every road is slow, and the drivers are so dumb, they don't know how to improve efficiency. Combine that with a lot of immigrants with no driving skills, and you have one big clusterfuck of a city.
Oh yeah, when POTUS or any other VIP has a route planned, we all have to stop and wait for him/her to come and go, holding up traffic everywhere.
NYC drivers are exactly like Jiro described. I would rather deal with NYC drivers who at least know how to move, instead of the dumbshits in the DC area.
I lived in metro Boston for a few years, learned how to drive up there, they are like Jersey drivers, using your turn signal is a no-no.
I lost my temper while driving in Ohio & Indiana. Drivers over there are suffering from Tortoise Nervosa. They drive, walk, and talk like turtles.....