'It's Unbelievable': Man Jailed At Rikers For 3 Years Without Trial Commits Suicide

This is your denial, I see!

no. not really. that's you putting words in my mouth for your twisted misguided agenda.

every legal system has its flaws.

should death penalty be kept on the table? absolutely! but is this relevant to this thread? nope.
Oh, there are many evidences that forensic scientists can find. Tire patterns, fingerprints, DNA, bullets, clothing, OMG, they can do anything today not like before.

it's circumstantial at best....

"hard evidence" would be.... getting caught red-handed and witnessing everything.
it's circumstantial at best....

"hard evidence" would be.... getting caught red-handed and witnessing everything.
Even so-called "hard evidence" can be disputed.

The truth is, no one needs to be 100% proven guilty. That's not the standard required. The jury only has to be convinced of guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt." That's not the same as guilt "beyond no doubt."

Circumstantial forensic evidence is considered more reliable than eye witness accounts. Witnesses' perspective, biases, memory, and motivation can alter their testimony.
no. not really. that's you putting words in my mouth for your twisted misguided agenda.

every legal system has its flaws.

should death penalty be kept on the table? absolutely! but is this relevant to this thread? nope.

Well jiro, we wont convince each other regarding your support or my opposition to state murder,
Given you admit every kegel system will have its fkaws snd kbkwing as fact innicents hsve been murdered by the state for crimes they did nor do. One wonders why the death lust on your part.
Its more s question for you to ask and aswner to yourself rsther then on here....
Even so-called "hard evidence" can be disputed.

The truth is, no one needs to be 100% proven guilty. That's not the standard required. The jury only has to be convinced of guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt." That's not the same as guilt "beyond no doubt."

Circumstantial forensic evidence is considered more reliable than eye witness accounts. Witnesses' perspective, biases, memory, and motivation can alter their testimony.

Sure, but it ignores the simple fact like witnesses jururs are human, and hsve and do mske mistskes, snd hsve sent innocents to their death.....
Its easy for us to say ah well, and shrug our shoulders at innocent people getting mirdered for crimes they did nor commit, but thats the easy way, we for some the idea of shrugging our shohkders at thst is rather rerehensible,
Truth is.
Courts are s gAme as such innocents with little means to defend themselves in the game have and will always be st the recieving end of da,s bucking for s promotion and higher political carreer, snd cooked evedence to sooth popular whims.
But hey.....
(Shrugs shoulders),
Fry em all!!!!!
Your words, not mine.

This thread isn't even about the death penalty.
indeed its not,
What it IS about,is flaws in a system. Which IS relavant to peoples opposition to the death penalty, they are very much related.
im not going to life in a bubble of neat wee conpartments of sectioned off thoughts. thats not how realiy works. So, granted this thread is only about one spacific inncedent which affected one spacific person, in one spacific jail of one spacific city at one spacific time, that doesnt mean we are incabable of seeing a bit of a larger picture
Flaws of a human system is very much related to peoples oppostion of state murder.
In other words, regarding dhb stating this is why he opposes the death penalty, this thread illustrates a point.
Which is
Human systems will always have flaws, and as such those flaws csn and have lead to innocent peolle being mirdered by the state for crimes they did not commt, knowing this, opposition to stste murder is for many the best option lest more innocent people get murdered by the state for polotical whims or a da bucking for a promotion, or just because the peeson was oor and unable to play the game that is the courts as well as someonw loaded can..
So on...so forth...its not thwt hard to undeestand really
indeed its not,
What it IS about,is flaws in a system. Which IS relavant to peoples opposition to the death penalty, they are very much related.
im not going to life in a bubble of neat wee conpartments of sectioned off thoughts. thats not how realiy works. So, granted this thread is only about one spacific inncedent which affected one spacific person, in one spacific jail of one spacific city at one spacific time, that doesnt mean we are incabable of seeing a bit of a larger picture
Flaws of a human system is very much related to peoples oppostion of state murder.
In other words, regarding dhb stating this is why he opposes the death penalty, this thread illustrates a point.
Which is
Human systems will always have flaws, and as such those flaws csn and have lead to innocent peolle being mirdered by the state for crimes they did not commt, knowing this, opposition to stste murder is for many the best option lest more innocent people get murdered by the state for polotical whims or a da bucking for a promotion, or just because the peeson was oor and unable to play the game that is the courts as well as someonw loaded can..
So on...so forth...its not thwt hard to undeestand really
Remember Tim McVeigh? There was no flaws in the justice system at all.
PSO and Jenn= Best. AllDeaf.Couple.EVER@!

While i agree that there are flaws, and the human condition is far from infallible...it is the argument I use against the death penalty and why it should be ended...and it may seem a bit childish....but what ever happened to the old adage, "two wrongs do not make a right"?
The state may put a person to death, but it is another person/s who kills the convicted. ... why is that not seen as murder? Guess I am weird...

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IS that prison known as the hard one like Alcatraz was
No, you can't single out one case. There have been cases of wrongful convicted and execution EXISTS, EVEN today!


read #10, perfect example.

Another one


Another one


More coming up


Facts: http://deathpenalty.org/section.php?id=13

wait! There is even more http://time.com/79572/more-innocent-people-on-death-row-than-estimated-study/

Remember Tim McVeigh? There was no flaws in the justice system at all.
First link you provided...LMAO it's not about today.

The second one...LMAO, it's not even about today.

In 2015, the Justice Department and the FBI formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an FBI forensic squad overstated forensic hair matches for two decades before the year 2000.[25][26] 26 out of 28 forensic examiners overstated evidence of forensic hair matches in 268 trials reviewed, and 95% of the overstatements favored the prosecution. Those cases involve 32 cases in which defendants were sentenced to death.
I haven't read the rest because I have to make a breakfast for my sweet daughter now. I will read them later.
Hey DHB, I read the rest. All of them were convicted before 2000 which was when we didn't have high tech. Frankly, I agree with you that the system was screwed up. I want you to provide more info on wrongful convictions (death penalty) after year 2000. I doubt high tech makes mistakes.