Congratulations RR and Angel, may you have a wonderful life together.
mld4ds said:Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,......
What the heck is Angel doing? Did she faint and gone into coma?
Great Congra to RR and wish you a great marriage successfully....
Angel, stop being so cold feet
Liebling:-))) said:Have you any more tissue for me? My tissue are almost running out.
AJ said:she said yes dude.
cental34 said:Maybe we should bring Ravensteven back just for a day to be the flower girl. :P
cental34 said:Maybe we should bring Ravensteven back just for a day to be the flower girl. :P
DreamDeaf said:Finally the RoadRunner caught his ^Angel^...
I guess that means I'm gonna have to build a new addition to the closet for their private honeymoon... *smh*
Anyone wanna hand me the hammer?
Congrats, RR and Angel!!!!
cental34 said:Not even if we keep him on a leesh?
cental34 said:Maybe we should bring Ravensteven back just for a day to be the flower girl. :P