Its snowing in ARKANSAS!!


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
It is snowing here right now, but its dark out so its hard to see the huge flakes coming down in the camera.

Anyway it snowed HOOGE (mispelled to denote bigger than huge), flakes around 3:30 4:00 ish this afternoon.

As I was driving to my grandmother's house to pick up my daughter, I noticed my truck driving oddly. I slowed down thought nothing of it other than the roads being slushy. Then when I pulled into the driveway at my grandmothers house I felt this girinding feeling when I turned the steering wheel. I get out thinking something was hung in one of the wheel wells. Nope I had a very low tire, not flat, but low enough it could have had a blow out. I was like oh great.

So I go inside to get my daughter and asked my grandmother to borrow her air tank to air it up. Well the hose on the tank was froze solid so it was useless. While I had the tank out I checked the tire pressure anyway just to see. The guage did not even register correctly it was so low.

So my daugher and I walked around the block to my aunt's house and I asked her husband if he could take a look at it. So he did. After all was said and done, we got it aired up and I felt much safer driving home, but I will have it looked at when things let up a bit, so see if maybe I have a slow leak.

Then on the way home, we saw two cars off in the ditch. One of them was a young girl I know, but since I had no chains plus I had my daughter with me there was nothing I could do to help, so I waved "you OK?" to her as I drove by and she shook her head yes and she had a cell phone. So I knew she would be OK.

Then I starte sliding around - it was scary but I just let off the gas and kept steering until I got traction again. Then there was the scary part. the long steep hill back into town. We didnt slide, but I just went very slow and kept gently tapping my breaks to keep from building too much speed.

Everything was safe and smooth from then on, until we got to my driveway.

You see my driveway is very steep and when it snows it becomes slush. I had driven 20 miles round trip had no wrecks, nothing. I get to my drive way and I could not drive up it!

So I ended up parking my truck in a nook just off to the side of the hill where it was mowed off and flat and my daughter and I had to walk up the hill to the house. Ah such luck! :lo:

Then my mom called and said she was stuck between town and my house and asked if dad was around. No - even his cellphone was turned off. I ended up calling my brother and he went and found dad they towed mom home and they towed my truck to the top of the driveway. So all is well right now.

Are you tired of my nonesense rambling? You just want to see the pics right? OK here they are. :D






I hope that work is cancelled tomorrow so I can stay home and have snowball fights with my daughter all day, :lol:
It is snowing here right now, but its dark out so its hard to see the huge flakes coming down in the camera.

Anyway it snowed HOOGE (mispelled to denote bigger than huge), flakes around 3:30 4:00 ish this afternoon.

As I was driving to my grandmother's house to pick up my daughter, I noticed my truck driving oddly. I slowed down thought nothing of it other than the roads being slushy. Then when I pulled into the driveway at my grandmothers house I felt this girinding feeling when I turned the steering wheel. I get out thinking something was hung in one of the wheel wells. Nope I had a very low tire, not flat, but low enough it could have had a blow out. I was like oh great.

So I go inside to get my daughter and asked my grandmother to borrow her air tank to air it up. Well the hose on the tank was froze solid so it was useless. While I had the tank out I checked the tire pressure anyway just to see. The guage did not even register correctly it was so low.

So my daugher and I walked around the block to my aunt's house and I asked her husband if he could take a look at it. So he did. After all was said and done, we got it aired up and I felt much safer driving home, but I will have it looked at when things let up a bit, so see if maybe I have a slow leak.

Then on the way home, we saw two cars off in the ditch. One of them was a young girl I know, but since I had no chains plus I had my daughter with me there was nothing I could do to help, so I waved "you OK?" to her as I drove by and she shook her head yes and she had a cell phone. So I knew she would be OK.

Then I starte sliding around - it was scary but I just let off the gas and kept steering until I got traction again. Then there was the scary part. the long steep hill back into town. We didnt slide, but I just went very slow and kept gently tapping my breaks to keep from building too much speed.

Everything was safe and smooth from then on, until we got to my driveway.

You see my driveway is very steep and when it snows it becomes slush. I had driven 20 miles round trip had no wrecks, nothing. I get to my drive way and I could not drive up it!

So I ended up parking my truck in a nook just off to the side of the hill where it was mowed off and flat and my daughter and I had to walk up the hill to the house. Ah such luck! :lo:

Then my mom called and said she was stuck between town and my house and asked if dad was around. No - even his cellphone was turned off. I ended up calling my brother and he went and found dad they towed mom home and they towed my truck to the top of the driveway. So all is well right now.

Are you tired of my nonesense rambling? You just want to see the pics right? OK here they are. :D






I hope that work is cancelled tomorrow so I can stay home and have snowball fights with my daughter all day, :lol:

I enjoyed your "nonsense rambling!" Glad you got home okay and all went well. Thanks for the pictures. They are great!
COOL! I don't want any more snow! LOL! Enjoy your fun in the snow! :)
Glad you're enjoying some snow, good pictures, next to the last picture would make a great postcard photo-- :thumb:

Thanks for sharing with AD'ers. ;)

:jaw: And I was outside wearing Shorts and flip flops, yesturday. In South Central Florida
my hometown in NLR,Ar dont have snow yet but im hope will get snow one days because of weather and got rain today that why.
No snow here today. You must be in NW Arkansas over by Springdale or something? We did have some rain, but temp is still above freezing so no ice. Also, for Christmas yesterday it was beautiful day with sun and about low-mid-50s. Not quite shorts weather, but still very nice. Your pics of the snowy landscape are very pretty though. Personally, I don't miss snow very much cause I grew up near Chicago, and so i had plenty of snow for like 25 years I was there, but I'm glad you enjoy it.
beautiful pics, dixie! it snowed here too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was beautiful!!! too bad i dont have a camera to take pics.... but yours top it all!!!!! wow!

kids had fun playing in snow and throw snowballs!!!! it was sooo FUN!~!~

BUT bad news... it melted today.. but some are still around... wish they could stay here forever... hehe! :(
Nice pictures of the snow covered rural area. :) We're getting a bit of snowfall here also.
nope I am not anywhere near Springdale. I live south of I-40 actually. But where I live there are 'mountains' and all the cold air is often channelled through the river valley to this area so we see snow 1-2 times a year when conditions are right.

I have seen much 'bigger' snow out west near Frasier, Colorado. Very nice out there. But the hometown snowfall isnt so bad either. And oddly enough its been warm enough this week that I can get by with just a long sleeve shirt and wear a pullover in the mornings on my way into work.
yes its funny.. cuz i live up on the foothills of ozark mountain. it would snow here but down in valley it rained.. ahhaa.. guess its very cold up in the mountains when its warm in valley.. make sense.. heh.. :D

believe it or not i never have been thur your area before.. yet i lived near your area .. weird?? one day i would liek to go there and see the town. :)
I think you would like it out here. I know alot of places that are off the beaten path so to speak, and a spectacular view of Magazine that most tourists dont get to see.
I can't take picture of snow outside because it's melted already!
*laughing hard* Happy big time!
Hate winter!
our yard is full of cow patties cause the cows got loose from the neighbors pasture and figured our yard would be the best place to go. I got to meet a new baby cow and named him oreo, as soon as I can get him still long enough I will take a pic and show you why, he is snow white on botom and neck and face then he has solid black on his back. he is pretty and sweet.
My sister neglected to tell us that when she got home to arkansas after she got home after christmas
Wow, you really takes very good pictures, impressed. Dixie, have you ever thought of becoming a photographers?..
beautiful pics, Dixie! Guess it is rare for a snowfall event to occur in your hometown?

When I was growing up, it snowed in Phx, AZ twice. That was a huge huge huge huge deal for everyone. The snow looked beautiful on the cactus. LOL!
yeah shel.. i guess its rare events for down here. it used to snow lots here when i was young cuz i remmy it snowed in oct and now it doesnt snow till dec or jan... but now its getting to the point where we would get snow 3 to 4 times during the winter time whereas we got snows alots in the past.. my mom said weather sure had changed so much since 70's. interesting i guess due to global warming? oh well ! thats sad.....
yeah shel.. i guess its rare events for down here. it used to snow lots here when i was young cuz i remmy it snowed in oct and now it doesnt snow till dec or jan... but now its getting to the point where we would get snow 3 to 4 times during the winter time whereas we got snows alots in the past.. my mom said weather sure had changed so much since 70's. interesting i guess due to global warming? oh well ! thats sad.....

Could be global warming. I however think it's a pattern. I don't think we have long enough record of weather to know if it is global warming or not. I peronally do not belive in global warming.