It's 4:30am and

Hehe, sure I'm smiling like this :mrgreen: .... I asked him out while we were on the trip back to NJ from upstate. Then on our date, we went to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner, nightclub in NYC, then after that we went to a party at his bro's crib. It was a hell of fun night.
Sometimes.... I do wish to go back in the beginning when we didn't know we liked each other very much and that moment was very exciting when we tried to discover more about each other! :)
Awww, E... That was soo sweet romantic moment U had w/ your man lol. Yeah I'm sure everybodies does wanna go back where the best romantic time moment they ever had.
Originally posted by prostock19
Thanx. I even chose the time and place I wanted to propose to her. Since I worked nights, I was going to leave work early, wake her up, and go to this other place overlooking the ocean, and watch the sunrise. That was when I was going to propose to her.

that'd be cool :thumb:
Hey Hey e.... good luck with your job...
yikes i know how you feel about dress code.. once you wear something *different* beside jeans.. you will feel like *professional*.. lol.. you go girl! ;)
Originally posted by e

Sometimes.... I do wish to go back in the beginning when we didn't know we liked each other very much and that moment was very exciting when we tried to discover more about each other! :)

Ah, Elyse, I know what you mean! ;)

As for the isomnia you are having - I had that for weeks until hubby made me stay awake for the 2nd day.. then POOOF I went out like a feather during the regular hours :D So i know this might work for ya also! hehe, and good luck with the interview. let us know how that goes! (YA, i gotta do some serious shopping too lol)
Originally posted by Liza
Ah, Elyse, I know what you mean! ;)

As for the isomnia you are having - I had that for weeks until hubby made me stay awake for the 2nd day.. then POOOF I went out like a feather during the regular hours :D So i know this might work for ya also! hehe, and good luck with the interview. let us know how that goes! (YA, i gotta do some serious shopping too lol)

you went out like a feather because your getting old and can't hang anymore
e, Good Luck with your shopping, I hope you get a nice clothes for your new job.
I know how you feel. I go to bed around 4:30 am every night. I don't know why I do that but I guess it's because I'm a night owl. Since I've been a student at RIT, I've been sleeping about 3 hours every night!
have fun shoppin E I did same thing my mom expected me to throw jeans out? :shock: nah that won't happen but I still will buy new nice clothes for work since the policy changed at my work ugh oh well blahh :mrgreen: