It not easy to find Bible beleve lady that want to date

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Nov 3, 2005
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my chruch is small but hard to find right date that will suport me so long

know any site or anyone ?
Who says you have to date someone from your church?
You can look online, you can look in outreach groups, you can go to singles gatherings. On dating sites you need to be clear what your beliefs are and what you are not looking for in a match, because the sites do not clarify religious beliefs when matching. If your church is small you may have to look outside your own church. I met someone with similar beliefs from another church. There are still good people out there if you keep your heart open!
Are you looking for a specific denomination?
baptist i prefer
because she and i will believe same bible and thought
baptist i prefer
because she and i will believe same bible and thought
Do you expect a chick to have a same bible? Goddamn, I didn't know there was more than one bible. :|
Well if she and i have different bible then she and i will have different thought ?
then that will not work out

i prefer kjv bible
Do you expect a chick to have a same bible? Goddamn, I didn't know there was more than one bible. :|

Yes, there is the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible.

The Jewish Bible is the same as the "Old Testament" part of the Christian bible.

deafironchef I hope that you just mean by the "same bible" that they are Christian and have a Christian bible - right ??

You do not mean that you'd only date people who use the exact same translation of the Christian bible as you, right? ... Like you'd only date people who read the NIV or NRSV or KJV or NLT etc ??? (that would be ...umm kinda odd since they are all the same just using some slightly different words)

In seminary/theology college we use the NRSV or NIV because it is actually the most accurate translation to the original text (which was written in a combination of Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek)

KJV reads like poetry but it is actually not very accurate is is bias in many ways (because it was commissioned by the King to reflect his beliefs)

I still think KJV and the NKJV as beautiful to read ...but for accurate study - NRSV(or the older RSV) and NIV are much better.
Please don't confuse *translations* of the bible with *different scriptures*.

There really is only one bible within the christian churches, although the Catholics do have a few extra parts to theres that aren't regarded by Protestants as authoritative.

The old testament is indeed the same as the Jewish scriptures, although that is very much over-simplifying the situation.

What actually becomes a far more divisive issue, is how the bible should be interpreted! Some people believe that a particular translation is particularly special, whereas others believe that tradition is more important, others are more interested in historical accuracy, and still others believe that uneducated people are unable to read and interpret the bible themselves, even with the Holy Spirit to guide them.
Please don't confuse *translations* of the bible with *different scriptures*.

There really is only one bible within the christian churches, although the Catholics do have a few extra parts to theres that aren't regarded by Protestants as authoritative.

The old testament is indeed the same as the Jewish scriptures, although that is very much over-simplifying the situation.

What actually becomes a far more divisive issue, is how the bible should be interpreted! Some people believe that a particular translation is particularly special, whereas others believe that tradition is more important, others are more interested in historical accuracy, and still others believe that uneducated people are unable to read and interpret the bible themselves, even with the Holy Spirit to guide them.

No confusion. Just it's how picky some Christians are. I've known a few that would only accept the KJV as the correct translation, and all others, including older ones, to be false Bibles. Even with all the translations out there deriving from the same source, the choice of words they use in each of the translations have tremendous impact on how customs and beliefs are carried out among each individual and their respective church/group. And I wasn't sure if this one was along the same vein or not. Either way, it should be more clear what he wants-- which is apparently being a Baptist.
No confusion. Just it's how picky some Christians are. I've known a few that would only accept the KJV as the correct translation, and all others, including older ones, to be false Bibles. Even with all the translations out there deriving from the same source, the choice of words they use in each of the translations have tremendous impact on how customs and beliefs are carried out among each individual and their respective church/group. And I wasn't sure if this one was along the same vein or not. Either way, it should be more clear what he wants-- which is apparently being a Baptist.

Yes, I've been in those groups too, hung out with that type too, even, but...

I *defy* them to come up with scriptural evidence that shows that the KJV is authoritative, after ascertaining which version of the KJV they're after.

Incidentially, this does show how important it is to read the preface for a translation. The preface, usually the first couple of pages before the bible starts, is VERY insightful if you want to know how they chose to translate it. The one for the NIV, The Message, and the various versions of the KJV, are all quite distinctly different and very interesting.

That said, some of my favorite versions are with the KJV, the language is just so poetic!
Who says you have to date someone from your church?

to make girl think it's impressive that guy go church. So, she would spread legs for him and up there.

One of dumb old trick book

Unless, he is for a real who need a nice-neat girlfriend to be marry. She said "Thank god!"
Do you expect a chick to have a same bible? Goddamn, I didn't know there was more than one bible. :|

Nice language for the given topic of this thread potty mouth. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Different translations and paraphrases of the Bible can result in different interpretations of key doctrines and beliefs. That's why it's important to know the differences and to be careful about selecting and using a specific version of the Christian Bible. Deafironchef knows that, and he wants to meet a young lady who believes the same way.
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