It must get tiring!

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I lost my skeleton key in a cellar full of spirits.
Who died and became the Holy Ghost?

I remember searching the bible to find who died and became the holy ghost when I was little.
Does the weather forecast account for a man disguised as a lumberjack wearing a cast? (Did a tree fall on him? Is that why the weather is always wrong?)
First and foremost a foreman fronts and leads the last in line.
If six slick chicks sold weed, would seeds stick?

:laugh2: I'm thinking very much so!! (And yes, chicks sell weed at chicken plants to get some sticky seeds.) :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Believe me when a foreMAN yells FORE, WOAHman comes along to play beFORE him.
I will end mine, for tonight, with my plans for tomorrow: I will be planting bluebells. I really love those. I hope the bells I painted blue grow well. Wish me luck!
This must be why SEE is so hard. These are difficult to think of. My reason for not participating.
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