It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

(Curling? What's that?)

My family has U.K. roots, including Scottish ancestors, but Highlander will probably give me hell for this anyway. In my opinion, curling is like many other things originating in Scotland--golf, haggis, kilts, loch monsters, bagpipes. They are jokes meant to annoy the British. And the British never seem to catch on, ha ha ha.

What do you think of cat?

I'm most definitely a cat lover, cats can sense something is wrong especially when I cry they do comfort me. I love the facts that when my cats want my attention, they would come to me. Cats are cuddlers, adorable and soo cute! Cats are more independent than dogs are, cats can be really playful but they don't jump all over you like dogs do. they are also a lot easier to take care of as they do a lot of the things themselves.. (Right now we have total of 8 cats/kittens, 4 will be place up for adoption soon :( )

marshmallow said:
What type of weather do u like!!

Warm and sunny. (near the mid 80's) (Opps, Oceanblue7 beat me :lol:)

Oceanblue7 said:
What is your favorite beverage?

Homemade Lipton icetea and pepsi

Question: Do you believe there's a guardian angel right beside you?
Seagull? interesting. I haven't own any strange animals.

Question: What do you think about abortion?
Seagull? interesting. I haven't own any strange animals.

Question: What do you think about abortion?

Abortion is a murder just like mother killing the children.

What color is the lamp close to you?
Abortion is a murder just like mother killing the children.

What color is the lamp close to you?

( Angel** It is interesting about the seagull, it likes to ride on my shoulder when I am outside. Heavy little bird.)

The lamp is silver.

If there is one thing to change about your looks, what would it be?
facelift! :shock: when get older in future!? :lol:

Which you like wear pant or short?
Shorts. I'm from Florida so shorts, suits me better. I only wear pants when it is COLD like it is now.

What flavor coffee is your favorite?
( Angel** It is interesting about the seagull, it likes to ride on my shoulder when I am outside. Heavy little bird.)

ha sounds cute, I would like to see some pictures of you with the seagull, if there's any.

Babyblue said:
What flavor coffee is your favorite?

I don't drink coffee but I do like the smell of it.

Question: What are you making for dinner tonight? (me-ordering pizza here )
I dunno -- my parents cook dinner ;) but I am eating 2 minute noodles for lunch right now :)

What sort of favourite place do you have and why?
^^^Las Vegas so far because I can hang out around during the night with beautiful lights without being so cold!!

Do you like anime? What kind?
^^^A LCD Flatscreen Paloriad about 20 inches TV and other regular boxy Parasonic TV.

Where you'd rather to live? Why?
^^^A LCD Flatscreen Paloriad about 20 inches TV and other regular boxy Parasonic TV.

Where you'd rather to live? Why?

I'd like to live in USA, so I could learn its culture and its deaf culture/community -- it would be interesting if they have a different deaf culture apart from where I live in Australia. Lazy bum, aren't I? ;)

What hand languages have you known rather than ASL?
I'd like to live in USA, so I could learn its culture and its deaf culture/community -- it would be interesting if they have a different deaf culture apart from where I live in Australia. Lazy bum, aren't I? ;)

What hand languages have you known rather than ASL?

The middle finger. :giggle:

(Angel..the seagull has recently became my strange pet for two weeks now, once I get a picture, I'll post it.)

Where do you hope to retire too?
^^^Las Vegas again! But maybe I will move there before my retirement, I don't know..

Have you fly? (Plane)
^^^Las Vegas again! But maybe I will move there before my retirement, I don't know..

Have you fly? (Plane)

Yeah, I have just flew to Melbourne, last November in 2007 ;)

have you been on a cruise?