For the last month or so, things really seem to be ridiculous and not fun as it used to be here in AD....When I realize and see the good members are leaving or thinking of leaving and it makes me very sad and it's upsetting me!!
Why is this?.....
It seem like a couple members here always think that they have a ' way ' with words and
how things are SUPPOSE to be like they act as if they are holding the reins which clearly shows control on their part with the way they post by jumping/attacking on innocent posters and even towards those that they dislike in here....It's obvious by how they come across with their own opinions like how they actually conduct themselves in another forum where they do partake in running....And bringing that sort of attitude and demeanor in here is really getting very disgusting and immature-like.....
The days of AllDeaf used to be alot of fun and members would get along sharing and telling things that were fun to hear and opinions that were respected and ideas that were helpful to use....It's hard enough for some of us to be in here when a couple members is putting down how we may feel or think as if we aren't human or good enough or can't quite use words to such an extent with the bottom line indicating that a couple of members act like they are too good or smarter for how they think or feel
IS the only way or acting like they know it all when responding to the other good members who simply posting away without being inconsiderate or in a mean way as this couple of members who does so in wickedly way which they thrive on!!...
Another thing I would like to add is if there is someone you dislike, use common sense by taking it in ' PM ' , Don't humiliate them and making them look bad or feeling ' small ' ...It's distasteful and disrespectful when everyone can ' read ' it and also, it's a very unkind gesture on their part which fits quite well in a kindergarten setting/class instead of in here in AllDeaf!!!
It's not going to bother me if I am attacked with this thread I'm posting, but, honestly, it's how I do feel and I've been very patience and keeping my peace....although, I just HAD to say my piece and with uttermost desire from my heart
IS hopefully some goodness will come out of this and put an end to these ridiculous acts shown on behalf of a couple of members here...let's just remember that AllDeaf was created for all of us and NOT just for a 'few' and NOT a place where a 'few' who can push the good members off...AND most definitely NOT a place where ' control ' seem to be the norm with little respect or regard for the other members!!
Let's put an END to this crazy madness once for all and bring back the fun and joy in AllDeaf!!!