Is your spouse/partner hearing, hard of hearing or deaf?

I'm deaf, my boyfriend is HOH with HAs on, but when he is not wearing them he can't hear anything.
My wife is hearing as both of my kids as well. It is not a problem as I always have been able to hear well enough with a HA and now a CI.

My wife had indicated that if I ever went totally deaf (well I'm that now but the CI er...saved my bacon there), she would learn sign. Heck, I would have to learn sign too! :laugh2:

Lol, that cracked me up!
my present spouse is deaf... and my childrens father (ex spouse) hearing.. I have experience in both area...

Both are similar in many ways. Like Wendy say, Relationship is based on communication and being open minded.. Its true in that area
I am hard of hearing, bf is hearing and learning some sign. He makes up signs a lot, which is funny to me.
Me being deaf is new to us all MY husband does not cope with it very well .I need to learn to lip read asap

Did you just become deaf? Sorry to hear that. :(

I grew up just knowing how to lipread. When I take my hearing aid out, I don't hear at all barely.
I am hearing, my husband is deaf. We both communicate in sign language. I have deaf parent's, and learned to sign from them when I was very young. I was always with the deaf community as I grew up, so it was very easy for me when I met my husband from day one to be able to talk to him and him to me. We have been married 27 years, 28 years in October. We have 2 hearing daughters who sign fluently, and adopted a deaf son this past March. I guess it was fate for me to have deaf parent's, so I could meet my wonderful deaf husband, and have a beautiful family!
My wife is hearing.
1st wife was too. We we parted she wouldn't let me have kids overnight because I may not hear them at night. The way things worked out, didn't have to fight over that, because started living with current wife and that put the brakes on that excuse. She was appalled that the ex would stoop so low and do that, as it wasn't a problem before. But I guess we know what that was all about, hey?
My boyfriend is hearing and is learning sign even though he doesn't have to. :)
My bf is deaf and Im hoh. Been together for 8 yrs and yes, communication is important. We've had our up and downs but still have love, friendship and respect for each other which counts as much as communication.