Honestly no I've had a lot of issues with the school I wanted to see what other people would say before I made an @$$ out of myself. I see that some agree with me and others don't and I see both sides. But I also feel if I do force them she won't wear them period like myself I would bury mine in the back yard and tell my mom a witch came and stole them or loose them in the front yard. I do try to get her to wear them but if she is consistent with no I won't force it. I know I have my moments with not wanting to wear mine. This is my first time dealing with a Deaf school my parents are hearing everything I'm doing for my kids is something I have researched I had no idea about a deaf community. So on top of that I figured they would be more free spirited to understanding. I see the educational benefits but MSD is bilingual too so that is the part I don't understand like , does it really matter? I mean don't get me wrong in this if they are going to be picky how about with their teachers and their grammar here is an example email I received
View attachment 20800 from the teacher about my son .
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