Is this good or bad to you? (pet related)

doesn't look like a bad spot to leave the dog . shaded and everything. but that second picture worries me, he has a mad glint in his eyes as he looks at you. maybe he will jump off the porch sometime and take a bite out of you
It doesn't look that bad. As long as he's fed and watered and gets a reasonable amount of contact with humans. That said, I wouldn't keep my dog confined to such an area though. The quality of life differs for every single dog, just like it does for us humans.

My dog doesn't go out for walks that often. But then he's frequently let out in a mid sized garden. He also gets to sleep on my bed every night, which is surely a luxury in the dog world? :P
I saw a dog that lives on the second floor of an apartment of someone's house. The second floor balcony is like really small, 10ft by 3 ft or so. The dog is huge and looks like an older golden retriever maybe ~8+ years old. Do you think this is a cruel thing to do?

If the dog out is outside in the heat and cold with no shelter that is very cruel and in my state it is animal abuse to leave a pet outside with no shelter. If I saw that I would report it.
That's a huge space with shelter by the porch roof. If the dog has food and water, and goes for walks, gets played with and has time inside when the owner comes home, it should be a happy dog.

It is still out side in the heat and you can report this and not use your name. I would not leave my dog outside on a deck all day.
It doesn't look that bad. As long as he's fed and watered and gets a reasonable amount of contact with humans. That said, I wouldn't keep my dog confined to such an area though. The quality of life differs for every single dog, just like it does for us humans.

My dog doesn't go out for walks that often. But then he's frequently let out in a mid sized garden. He also gets to sleep on my bed every night, which is surely a luxury in the dog world? :P

My dog sleep in my bed too. It been too hot to walk my dog , he get hot just going out pee and poop.
It is still out side in the heat and you can report this and not use your name. I would not leave my dog outside on a deck all day.

I wouldn't either. Mine are very much part of the family. But if that dog gets enough to eat and exercise and affection, he is better off than the dog who gets put in a shelter and put to sleep.

It is harder to get homes for big dogs than for little ones, so I would not call in on the people.

Do you folks always assume the worst? There is simply not enough details to tell if the animal is being treated well or not. And since I know more good owners who are in similar situations than bad owners.... I am going to assume this lab is taken care of properly.
well,, look at it this way. you can either ignore things like this, like too many people do or you can try to make a difference? which do you pick? it's about being aware and caring. way too many pets are mistreated and people get away with it because they are told not to worry. nasho is not being intrusive, only shows concern.
more bad owners get away with abusive behavior because too few people become concerned.
well,, look at it this way. you can either ignore things like this, like too many people do or you can try to make a difference? which do you pick? it's about being aware and caring. way too many pets are mistreated and people get away with it because they are told not to worry. nasho is not being intrusive, only shows concern.
more bad owners get away with abusive behavior because too few people become concerned.

It's not really you I am worried about. It's some of the others' line of thinking. I don't know about you, but here in Victoria, the heatwaves are worse indoors in an upper-suites than it is outside-- and air conditioning does not help at all; the coolest spot is usually out on the balcony under a roof, otherwise if you're out on the streets-- or have no cover, it's also unbearable. But again, I don't know what the weather is like around naisho's area.

Of course, if you're the lucky bastard who live on the first floor, then you get the coolest spots in the building and the benefits of air conditioning that is actually purposeful; the downside is that the outside exterior at ground level is also home to the hottest spots.
THANK GOD for the roof.. it helps. but...if that mustang is the owner's .. :mad2: :mad2: he should give the dog a BETTER home if he wants to show off his car more then gets run over, stays inside with no food or water to at least sympathize this dog....gee.

if not his, I can tell this balcony is EASY for owner just to leave dog out there. "big balcony? good, no problem. roof? good, no problem. so leave him out there, he'll be fine." but declines dog's health quicker. folks, neglecting is CONSIDERED abuse. very well. for this exact reason. if he was never walked. I wonder how/when/where this dog goes for a tinkle... I wish I could give him a hug.
i say niasho should go knock on their door and ask for the whole story!! :naughty: otherwise we can never know the whole story. but now i am curious about it. i remember a story not too long ago about a woman who put the LIVE dog in the trash. dog was almost dead. you read so many horror stories about pets that it makes you concerned about something like this