here's something the police may not be aware of: relay operators dial out thousands of prank calls every day, because many hearing people who don't need the service like to abuse it to play stupid games. As relay operators we are not allowed to disconnect prank calls, which is obviously uncomfortable as it means we have to relay disgusting messages, but by law we have to relay every call. I would suggest that when you reach an operator, don't even explain your situation, just say you need to speak to a supervisor in person and they'll have to find a supervisor for you. give a brief description of the problem [it helps if youre calling from a computer to have this message ready to cut and paste so that the supervisor can understand the issue immediately] and they will connect you with the appropriate source of assistance. We are always glad to help people clarify situations with prank calls, and the company i work for does track ip addresses of all their prank calls, the problem is that they are only tracked at the time of the call [we have no long record] and they don't include the number called. The relay manager can explain this to the police. Basically relay is not allowed to save phone numbers dialed for privacy reasons, but we do track prankers and ban them from the system as fast as we possibly can. We will probably never eliminate them though because once we ban 1 ip address, the pranker can just go to a different computer...