Is there any way at all to trace relay calls?


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Apr 14, 2006
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Is there any way to trace relay calls? I know they can be traced back to the relay call center, but what about to the actual caller? It is my understanding that the call can not even be matched to the computer the caller is using to make the call... is that right? Is there any way around this? I really hope there is some way around this. I am falsely accused of making relay calls I am not making...
Technically - yes - it probably can be traced. Whether the relay company will cooperate, who knows? Talk to your local Police Department. They probably have a better idea of what would be required to trace a call. If you are getting prank or harassing relay calls, the Police are the best resource.

Ironically enough it is the Police that are saying I am calling them when I am not... I just do not know what to do. They really don't understand the most basic things about relay and people who use it... they think because I can speak then I MUST be able to hear...
Have a relay operator representative come to visit you and go see the police officer with a lawyer on loan from the relay representative present to watch the back and forth discussion and decide what legal course of action will be taken and explore any avenues to solving the problem and making the police aware of relay communication needs for Deaf and HoH people. You can contact for more help with legal proceedings.
Have your ENT or dr send them copy of your Audiogram. Then they have proof... You are deaf!
But people have fake they have hearing losses, Use the ISP Relay to make call's to police departments. They can trace the call !
LMM use 3 differnet relay's,TTD, ISP,V/P. She has never be hang up before from dispatchers. or they tell her to call back the next. When she calls them it's an Emergency. Most time when she call's she use her TTD, because 911 have TTD's. She hardly use ISP relay inless her phone is down. She'll use V/P Orp. if she is hurt, so the relay orp can tell dispatch how bad it is...

LMM [Friend]
Hi - thanks for the response.

The problem is not so much proving my auditory problem. We have done that. (and it is easy to do again) But then again proving my auditory problem and having them treat it ok are two different things... In fact, Captian Vagge with Fort Collins Police Department in Colorado even wrote a note for me to carry around to give to any officer indicating I do have the problem with auditory info and even HOW to accomodate my disabilty and for them to call him for verification if they need it... (which as a side note - didn't work because the officers that I gave it to one time just laughed and yelled for me to listen - which I know from their own report and the audio recording they made of the arrest) But all of that is somewhat besites the point with the relay call probelm with the Fort Collins Police Department in Colorado...

The problem is that I am NOT calling them and they say that I am and are quite angry at me for allegedly calling them when I did NOT. What I am hoping I can do is find some way that the relay calls other people made can be traced back to who really made them: i.e. NOT ME. This police department just keeps going on and on that I am the only one who uses relay and the only one that would ever call them... and apparently others say they are not me and sya who they are and so the police, instead of dealing with them as THEM (i.e. not me) they claim I am making up those name and people and really actually the one calling them pretending to be other people ... when in reality I am NOT calling them!

So that is why I am looking for some way, any way to trace these darn calls. There has GOT to be a way but so far I can't find any way. Calls over Cap Tel or a TTY if the 911 function is pressed can be traced (per FCC regulations) tracing relay calls through internet based services is a whole different ball game.

The Fort Collins Polcie Department and the Lairmer DA's office are just so convinced I am the only one who uses relay, and the only one who could ever call them over relay... EVEN during a time period when my hands are too busted to possibly use relay! They still just do not understand that OTHER people use relay... NOT just me. If I could trace these calls or show somehow in another way that look, many people use this and I am not the only one and I did NOT make these calls....

any ideas?
Sounds like you got a stalker doing these " freak-mind games "

I say put an end to this, somehow.

Do not tolerate those type of people.

I hope things will get solved asap and for sure you got a very good case to go to court to sue the hell out of them !!!!!

No offense to the good police officers who know and realize that police deptartment is doing the very wrong and illegal thing.

I said a prayer for you and God Bless !!!!! :angel:

p.s. One good way to prove you are innocent is to be with your lawyer in a public place for 24-48 hours like a store where it is open 24 hours and you can get some coffee and sit down to relax then when the police complains that you were making those phone calls then hit them with a false complaint report and mess them up real bad with charges after charges. Police misconduct etc. I mean maybe rent a motel for 3 days and have the video camera running with your lawyer and ask the motel manager to take the phone away from the motel bedroom. Prove your innocence. Clear your name once for all !!!!!

Think you need to reread the statement?
No you or say myself can't call ATT request to trace the person and/or people's ISP but the Police and/or your Lawyer can! I'm sure your police department have already done this!To catch person liable for action! It's a crime to use Relay orp make false report's! Some people may not relize, That even it may say call's can't be trace, Lol Don't be fool. yes they can! and if legal action need to be taken they will. What you have said, I do hope our Police department charge's them with the fulless! Because someone claiming they are Deaf/deaf/hoh is a misameanor! Plus they are mocking Deaf/deaf/hoh all over the world!
Using Relay Orp's/ TTD's isn't a game. It's away for Deaf/deaf/hoh commicate!
LMM depend's on her's everyday. She is greatfull they have came out w/new tech. such as the Vedio phone's. so when she is hurt. She can relate to the orp better exactly where the pain is how bad it is etc...

LMM {friend}
this is one article I found though that talks about how relay clals can not be traced...
Jasmin - yes, the calls can be traced, but it's possible the Fort Collins dispatch center can't trace the calls themselves. They might require the relay company to trace the calls internally, or they may need an outside agency to help them. Either way, it is thier job to prove your are doing what they claim, and if they can't prove it, they ought to shut up. I suggest you contact the Colorado Bar Association for referral to a lawyer who specializes in Police Harassment cases - I would hope they are not harassing you deliberately - that they honestly believe what they are saying - and all they need is for your lawyers to show them where they are mistaken and they will stop. Fort Collins is not a tiny town - you can't be the only deaf/hoh person there that would use relay.
Thanks for the input...

I have a defender lawyer now and I've been in the processof hiring a civil rights lawyer... this Police department has been really screwy for awhile... thta's kind of a long story that is for another post...

but with the relay calls I dunno what to do and I am freaking out a bit. They have charged me for calls I DID NOT MAKE. I just have no faith in the legal system and I don't know how to prove I ma not making these calls so that they will leave me alone... I spend most of my time alone applying for jobs and stuff... so I dunno how I can even prove it that way - don't know how I can show look I was doing this at that time, not calling THEM...

I have contacted every single relay provider I can find. None of them keep any records of their callers information - not IP addresses, nothing. None of them know how a relay call can be traced, especially after the call.

This Police Department is absolutely convinced that I am the only one that uses relay and that could ever contact them on relay. Someone I know of contacted them recently and tried to prove to them they were not me but got hung up on or transffered to some intelligeble voicemail every single time...

What do I do? They have been threatening to charge me with a ton of charges for other people calling them... they just assume that it is really me even when other people say they are not and say who they are... they ahve bene threatning me for two months and they just will not stop.... and now they have finally done it and charged me! they are charging me with a FELONY of criminal impersonation!!! WHY? they allegde that I have been claling them over relay "pretending" I am other people - it does not even occur to them that OTHER PEOPLE could possibly be calling them over relay!!

...and there is nothing I can do to make this stop... I can't keep the whole darn world from ever calling them over relay?! what do I do? How can they do this?! I am NOT calling them and I am NOT claling them as other people!!

They say they have no way to know who is claling unles sthey send an pofficer out to confirm who is calling them and yet THEY CHARGE ME?! WHAT THE HECK? How do I prove that I am NOT the one who has been calling them! How can they do this?
Again, who is your relay rep? For Colorado, if I remember correctly, the relay rep is Sprint and there should be a deaf manager who can answer your questions directly. Have you contacted that person, and asked them what to do if someone is impersonating you when making relay calls?
Your local phone company and your cell phone company both can put a trace on your line so if the PD gets further calls of this sort, you can prove you didn't make the calls to the relay center, but that said, it is really up to the PD to prove your guilt. They are accusing you - they have to show evidence. It's the law. You are entitled to due process.

I would asked, what is the Relay number and what time did its called. Whenever the Relay been called to police station as so far that my caller name id will appear thru the Relay Service Center. Its no way for false but if they have true proof with Relay Number. If nothing and that they are up to do something?


If this is getting annonied and bother that going to against you. I would said go and get some lawyer to prevent the crime.

Once you are in felony on your record and you are the justice by judge. No change by "oops, my mistake." It happen to my friend but that doesn't mean "HEY! Its wrong." They don't have a damn about your rights after you are justice.


If you have a phone number to use, please call one of your local and ask for information to get record of calling list. They have record in their database of who you did call and what time if you have "dailed" the relay numbers. So it will show the proof; however, I don't know if the relay dial will link to your phone list?


Don't type this message if I were you. Cuz you might not know since this is 100 percent public expect the picture and some thread. They can look at your fussy and what are you going to do.


BECAREFUL with people due the thift id is increasing than before....

Take care---
the police did get my telephone phone records and of course it showed that for the times they said i called the police over relay, not a single relay call shows up... none of the times they say i called then over relay does any call to any relay service show up! they say i have called claiming I am someone else over relay over 100 times in 6 months... and yet not ONE call to any relay service shows up at the times they say those calls were made! how can they still think i am only one who uses relay?! or that it was me who called them?! i used to use captel relay during this time which is not even the kind of relay this person(s) used to call them! geez....
here's something the police may not be aware of: relay operators dial out thousands of prank calls every day, because many hearing people who don't need the service like to abuse it to play stupid games. As relay operators we are not allowed to disconnect prank calls, which is obviously uncomfortable as it means we have to relay disgusting messages, but by law we have to relay every call. I would suggest that when you reach an operator, don't even explain your situation, just say you need to speak to a supervisor in person and they'll have to find a supervisor for you. give a brief description of the problem [it helps if youre calling from a computer to have this message ready to cut and paste so that the supervisor can understand the issue immediately] and they will connect you with the appropriate source of assistance. We are always glad to help people clarify situations with prank calls, and the company i work for does track ip addresses of all their prank calls, the problem is that they are only tracked at the time of the call [we have no long record] and they don't include the number called. The relay manager can explain this to the police. Basically relay is not allowed to save phone numbers dialed for privacy reasons, but we do track prankers and ban them from the system as fast as we possibly can. We will probably never eliminate them though because once we ban 1 ip address, the pranker can just go to a different computer...
Thats why I dont really use the relay services as much as I used to. Privacy issues and the inability to trace the calls. Thats why our office has 3 hearing people handling almost all of our communications with the hearing population.

Richard I am shocked!!!!!

You discriminate against the deaf by hiring hearies over deafies....Shame on you....LOL

With all the posts about others hiring hearing people over deaf people I would have thought you would be the last person on earth to hire hearing over deaf.