Is the summer of 2003 the year of the 17 year Cicadas qq

DeafSCUBA98 said:
*standing and waiting for them to come out* hee hee.. here Scuba Eric comes *evil grins*

i can't wait to pet them and get them in the cage.. and bring it over to fly free :D what a lovely surprise :devil:

:rofl: hahahahah Scuba NICE surprise!!!! my being the eagle would prolly end up feasting on those nice cicadas :laugh2: after all theyre the best treat to get after a 17 year WAIT!!! :lol:

Purrs -- that particular kind of cicada wouldnt be in CA -- there are different types of cicadas and what they look like --

Fly Free - true. I was in CA at the time their cicadas came out...theyre smaller and a bit lighter than the ones we grow in the Eastern and Midwest areas...but still the same screech!!!


:rofl: ofc would have the same screech sounds -- look different and all that im not surprised cuz i figure they would look different in other parts of the country due to possible locations of their breeding, cross breeding of different types of cicadas and etc etc :dunno: but thats my thoughts :D
i seen that on the show on discovery yesterday, i never thought of that bug that is dangerous, its really creeps me out to see how they do it, but they do also ruins the enviornments around the world. i look at this huge swarm, it flies like killer bees' swarms! it eats its leafs to leave us the stravation and bring the animal closer to the cities that the animal will not survive only that depends how they do it.. :|