I was mainstreamed, there were two HOH students including me. I graduated with honors, the second dropped out. My accomodations constisted of two hours a week of speech therapy until the day I graduated. I had no reason to go to a deaf school. I never learned ASL, I live in a rural area on a farm. It was never an option for me. I live with a family where excuses (including being HOH) were not acceptable reasons for lack of sucess. I used my voice and requested accomadations in small ways. For example, my test were based out of the book. If I memorize the book, I pass the test. I taught myself how to learn alone. Unfortunately, for some, their voices are not heard. Going through a mainstream school HOH has prepared me well for college. I feel lucky for this forum has clearly shown me that many have not have such a great experience. I was lonely and felt left out, but I saw it as necessary. Perhaps because of the desire to meet my parents expectations.
Because of my sucess at most areas of my life-ie academically, I have accepted that I will be mainstreamed in all areas of my life. Which makes me sad sometimes. Sometimes not. One year from now, I am graduating and looking at grad schools, I question if I am happy, or if I am lonely. Or if I have the potential of greater happiness becoming a part of this culture and devoloping better social skills. I don't know what I will do.
People have different goals, different needs, different turning points and different life experiences. I don't know if this answers your question.