Is life harder for the deaf?

each have own road to calvery and we should all be kind help each other calvery road not be so hard
It only gets harder WHEN dealing with Audism attitude.

OMG ! The management of my condo is run by a woman that loaded with Audism attitude. She is really rude about my hoh accent. I can't complain about b/c she run the company ! I wonder if she is the rude to people that have a foreign accent. :roll:
Just because she runs the Association you can't complain? Why not ? What can she do to you?
OMG ! The management of my condo is run by a woman that loaded with Audism attitude. She is really rude about my hoh accent. I can't complain about b/c she run the company ! I wonder if she is the rude to people that have a foreign accent. :roll:

Actually you can, document everything what you tried to do, date, time, location, document reaction, then talk with equal housing opportunities and explain the situation and hope they will improve, its one way to build a case if it ever need go to the court for discrimination.

I hate allergic reations with audism!
Since I have school aged boys, to my shock and dismay, I found out that they dont know how to write cursive, and rarely write on paper, its done on keyboard. Yes, my son did learn some but it was short-lived.

It kinda scares me, not just for myself but my fellow Deaf friends including you whether I hate you or not because Deaf like myself depends on paper and pen, now image if you stop at a burger joint and dealing with 18 years old that knows nothing about Deaf and can't read what Deaf wrote down, and decided to scream robbery in progress.... and you got shot just because idiot 18 years old cant read or write... sad!
Actually you can, document everything what you tried to do, date, time, location, document reaction, then talk with equal housing opportunities and explain the situation and hope they will improve, its one way to build a case if it ever need go to the court for discrimination.

I hate allergic reations with audism!

It might hard to prove b/c this happen over the phone and my words against her words . I will try to do this if I have to call the you know what again . I have kind lost some fight as I gotten older , I been doing this for so long.
It might hard to prove b/c this happen over the phone and my words against her words . I will try to do this if I have to call the you know what again . I have kind lost some fight as I gotten older , I been doing this for so long.

Understood perfectly clearly, nobody likes to fight when they get older. My thoughts were simply have equal housing opportunity in your area, I am not sure what it would call in your area but the point is have them make a contact with the bitch you were talking about and let them know the legal rights including ADA. Usually, it does the job because nobody likes to be spooked by government agencies when they were warned of potential violations. Any agencies have their own attorney and they know around the law and could try build case from there. Won't hurt to try.

Best luck in your success overcome stupid audist!
Since I have school aged boys, to my shock and dismay, I found out that they dont know how to write cursive, and rarely write on paper, its done on keyboard. Yes, my son did learn some but it was short-lived.

It kinda scares me, not just for myself but my fellow Deaf friends including you whether I hate you or not because Deaf like myself depends on paper and pen, now image if you stop at a burger joint and dealing with 18 years old that knows nothing about Deaf and can't read what Deaf wrote down, and decided to scream robbery in progress.... and you got shot just because idiot 18 years old cant read or write... sad!
I think they're still teaching printing at least. My nephew is 12 and knows how to write cursive though for the most part his generation and later will probably rely more on printing than anything else. Hm... wonder if my great-nephew will learn or not (he is somewhere around 7-8 my brain is fuzzy right now).
Understood perfectly clearly, nobody likes to fight when they get older. My thoughts were simply have equal housing opportunity in your area, I am not sure what it would call in your area but the point is have them make a contact with the bitch you were talking about and let them know the legal rights including ADA. Usually, it does the job because nobody likes to be spooked by government agencies when they were warned of potential violations. Any agencies have their own attorney and they know around the law and could try build case from there. Won't hurt to try.

Best luck in your success overcome stupid audist!

I can call the office for discrimination and see what think I should if this happen again. I did made it clear that I didn't like her attitude about my hoh accent .
It might hard to prove b/c this happen over the phone and my words against her words . I will try to do this if I have to call the you know what again . I have kind lost some fight as I gotten older , I been doing this for so long.

If you only have contact over phone both sides can get iffy with each other I would think....Have you had face to face with her it may be different
How do you feel when Doctor refuse to process your physical check for your new job because you are deaf? He was like "you are deaf? you can not drive" and then declined my physical check request.

It happened to me last month, and yes I'm in process to sue him.
Wait a minute...

"He was like "you are deaf? you can not drive"", did your doctor actually say that?
Yeah, had a couple of ignorant doctors asked me "Do you drive?" and other time he asked "how can you drive if you can't hear?" I gave them the look and says if I have a DL, then that means I can drive.

Pretty sure there is plenty similar stories with other Deaf people out there.

Wait a minute...

"He was like "you are deaf? you can not drive"", did your doctor actually say that?
Same. I think many of us have been asked that question. And you'd think doctors would know better.
I am LV and HOH which means I am legally deaf and blind even though I can see a little, and hear a little. I am fine in my house but not so fine when I am outside and alone which does not happen too often. .

My biggest worry is being run down by the drivers who have no idea what a white cane means or why anyone would use it.
It is only hard with people's audist attitudes. When I first worked in a hearing environment after being out of the hearing world for 15 years last year, it was so rough. However, I am in my 2nd year and I and my co workers have made adjustments so now it is not as hard. Yes, deaf people make adjustments but hearing people are just as capable and if they dont, then I wont associate myself with them. There are still some co workers who still havent made any adjustments so I avoid them like the plague. My job is definitely off to a good start this year because of the attitude adjustment from most of my co workers to my deafness. :)

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