i normally wait for dvd come out for certain movies i love to watch. Lately Movie theaters been neglecting to put cc on movie theater. Yes Law stated that closed caption put on to help deaf people understand. I went watch movie theater just couple hours ago i requested CC on movie Breaking Dawn Saga part 2 they gave me headphone i told them no how that help me or my boyfriend to understand movie. They told me they don't have CC, i just feel like i want to exploded. I know Rave Theaters usually have CC if deaf requested it. But lately, They think deaf can hear or what not. How headphone can be loud enough for deaf person. i prefer CC period. if they don't put it on, i aint watching it, and This point on for me, if they don't put on CC for me, they just lost their customer. There is 2000 deaf people here in Pensacola Rave Movie theater need to advertise better not on radio when CC available for movies. I think ADA need to be more force to help us. Not when they feel like it. Interpreters is normally provided when we need it for DR or whatever appt. Movie Theaters is no different than other places. They need help us best as they can if they want deaf people to pay for movie tickets to watch movies. Then they won't be able complain about money bout CC on each movie