Yep, those are the ones I was talking about. If I believed in Heaven, I’d like to think that Steve is up there right now, drinking a can of Foster’s and laughing at these jokes.
I know—I’ve personally had the misfortune of drinking it. :| It’s just that I’m such a huge fan of ethnic stereotyping. As far as I’m concerned, all Australians subsist on a diet composed entirely of Foster’s Lager, barbecued shrimp, and Vegemite sandwiches. And they all shoot kangaroos for sport. :P
Just kidding—I know that Steve would never harm a hair on a roo’s furry little head. (Besides, it’s illegal now, isn’t it? And even if it weren’t, they took all your guns away anyway, didn’t they? Oh—wait a sec—you don’t live there anymore…)
Now, I'm sure that Steve Irwin could appreciate the humor in that.